|Old School Retro Tut|


FateRP Founder
Feb 12, 2012
This is my first tut on how to make an old school. If you are having experiences or problems please comment below. There are no snapshots so fill free to comment down below for more help. In this tutorial I am using the things I use for my old school. So if you want Bloodline, or Marks Sever, you have to look at a different tut.

Things you need:

  • Debbo v3.5 =
  • Winrar =
  • Webs Account =
Step 1: Download Winrar first.

Step 2: Download Debbo v3.5 and save it in My Documents

Step 3: Open Winrar up, and extract Debbo v3.5 to my documents.

Step 4: Winrar should of extract Debbo V3.5 to a folder, and inside that folder, there is 12 things inside that folder. First Folder says," chat logs." Next folder says, "Database." Last folder says, "Locale."

Step 5: Next column should start with a program called AntiLAG.exe. Second should start with the program Debbo v3.5, and the last on the second row should say loader.html.

Step 6: The rest of the things inside the folder Debbo v3.5 should be some Microsoft Runtime Library stuff.

Step 7: Open another tab on your web browser. Click this .

Step 8: Click Make loader or Create Loader on the left.

Step 9: Type the name you want for your hotel.

Step 10: Leave the ip address that is associated in the box.

Step 11: For the server port, put 1232.

Step 12: Now for the hotel view, in the description where it says screen shots click to view which one you want. Then choose with one you want. Your status checker is when your hotel is online or offline. Click the screen shots you want and then choose one.

Step 13: Last but not lease, choose your language.

Step 14: Click make loader.

Step 15: Where it says, “Loader Button” (Recommended), select all the information in the box, and copy it. Keep that page open just incase you have browser problems.

Step 16: Now it is time to make your webs account. Go to

Step 17: Where it says, “Get Started,” type in you’re email address, password, and then choose website type.

Step 18: After you did that, click get started, and then you should redirected to a new page. Fill out the information required.

Step 19: After you activate your email address, and you fill out the registration form, you should be directed to your dashboard. Up over the right where it says, “Create a Website,” click that

Step 20: Name your site. In the box that says Site Title, type what you want your site name to be.

Step 21: Pick a choice for your site category.

Step 22: Select a template.

Step 23: At the bottom where it says, Recommended pages,” choose the pages you will like to be on your site.

Step 24: After you selected your recommended pages, click Agree to the Terms, and then click Create my Website.

Step 25: Now you should be directed to the Site Builder. On that page you should see your website.

Step 26: At the top, where it says New Page Click it. Type in Retro.

Step 27: Then click create.

Step 28: After you clicked create you should be directed to the page. Where it says Content Box, click that. A new box should of pop up in the page.

Step 29: Now click Html.

Step 30: Now go back to the page where it has all of your information
Example: ript language=JavaScript>
* No Click Script - HTML.Dynamico 2001
* ******************************************/
var message="No esta permitido esa función";
function clickIE4(){
if (event.button==2){
return false;
function clickNS4(e){
if (document.layers||document.getElementById&&!document.all){
if (e.which==2||e.which==3){
return false;
if (document.layers){
else if (document.all&&!document.getElementById){
document.oncontextmenu=new Function("alert(message);return false")
// -->

<font style="font-family: helvetica;"><b>Bienvenido al Hotel gdn</b><br>
<a name="Loader" href="javascript:window.open(' )">
<img src=" " border="0"></a><br>
<font size="2"><b>Estado:</b> <img src=" " alt="(Estado)" border="0" /><br>
Warning do not copy this as your loader it just a replica.

Step 31: Copy the information from the recommended box, and the go back to your web page and paste in into a html.

Step 32: Then click Insert Html. Now go to the top, and click Publish. Then click published all Pages.

Step 33: Now it should have took you back to my pages.

Step 34: The page “retro” click the magnifier glass. The magnifier glass is the page when you’re on the homepage. It should show up as a logo. Click it should open a new window.

Step 35: Once it loads to the login page, go to my documents, and open up Debbo v3.5. Now once it opens. Try making your habbo, by clicking register now. If it lets you go to the registering page, you have complete my tut.

Thanks for completing my first tut on old school retros. Now you are on your own. So if you have problems make a post in the habbo’s help & support center. If this tut did not help you comment down below, so I can help you with your problem.


Retired Chaturbate Livestreamer
Staff member
FindRetros Moderator
Jul 24, 2010
Nice tutorial, but you left your IP Address in one of the loader links.


FateRP Founder
Feb 12, 2012
This tut is outdated. Do not depend on this tut as of today to work. MODS please close thread if you view this. Thank You.

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