Need Help With Donator Page PHP


-Hotel Owner, -Customs Developer, -Arcturus
Apr 16, 2018
Hello, i have a staff page that fetches the users rank and then organizes them according to rank. Below is a piece of the php code i want to edit it tho so i can use it for a page that shows donators.

see below, I just want to know what or how to adjust it to show donators, now in my sql, donators are rank 1 under rank_vip i figured i could change the get rank to getrank_vip but was unsuccessful, any suggestions would be a big help thanks :D

// REMINDER TO MYSELF: h5 is normal text and h2 titles.
$FindRanks = MySQL_Query("SELECT * FROM ranks WHERE id >= 2 ORDER BY id DESC");
while($GetRank = MySQL_Fetch_Assoc($FindRanks))
echo "<h2 style='border-bottom:2px solid #357E99;border-top:2px solid #357E99;'>".$GetRank['name']."s</h2>\n";
$FindStaff = MySQL_Query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE rank = ".$GetRank['id']." AND username != 'Blah'");
while($GetStaff = MySQL_Fetch_Assoc($FindStaff))
if($GetStaff['online'] == 1)
echo "<img src='{url}/app/tpl/skins/aura/habboweb/online.gif' style='float:Right;'>";
echo "<img src='{url}/app/tpl/skins/aura/habboweb/offline.gif' style='float:Right;'>";
echo "<img alt='{$GetStaff['username']}' style='float:Left;' src=' {$GetStaff['look']}&direction=2&head_direction=3&action=stand,crr=006'>\n";
echo "<p style='height:110px;margin:50px 5px 5px 74px;'>\n";
echo "Username: <b>".$GetStaff['username']."</b><br>\n";
echo "Motto: <b>".$GetStaff['motto']."</b><br>\n";
echo "Country: <b>".$GetStaff['country']."</b><br>\n";
echo "Age: <b>".$GetStaff['age']."</b><br>\n";//everyone wants to know more about us ;3
echo "</p>\n";

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