MySQL Error with BrainCMS Users not added in database


New Member
Aug 21, 2016
I have installed BrainCMS on my webserver on one of my domains i made a host header and i can connect to it properly.
only problem is i have a problem with my MySQL, when i register my user is not added in the database. i already tried

ALTER TABLE users ADD google_secret_code VARCHAR(200) NULL;
ALTER TABLE users ADD 2fa_status int(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;
ALTER TABLE `users` ADD `seckey` VARCHAR(999)
SET@@global.sql_mode ='';

But this is not doing the job for me.

my config file:

<b> i use:

IIS 10
PHP 7.1
MySQL Community server 5.1
Brain version 1.9.1
Arcturus version 1.15.2
i used original database provided with arcturus (installed first) then i added the Brain 1.9.1 database
Is there anyone out here who perhaps knows the fix?
Thanks in advance

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