Well I've had in the past where my watermark was quite transparent then some noob removed it and claimed he made it7/10 Im not a fan of the Craft logo going in and out like that. Habboon's logo would probably look a lil better with a more transparent box behind it and i dont like that it blinks at the end. and maybe make your watermark a lil more transparent? other than those things,the banners look great. my favorite is Wubbo.
I actually think he can do better. I don't see why your laughing now.Dying! xD
What text do you use to make these banners? The text that is used in Shift, the bottom.
These are now my latest banners, feedback?
Top banner, the online users needs to be more visable, I didn't see it at all at first - it's only as I came to quote that I saw it. I think the bar at the bottom needs to run along the whole of the bottom, going behind the two avatars - it'd add that little something. Not too keen on the Shift being bank on that poor avatars eye either, maybe moving it to the left would be better. (6.5/10)
These are now my latest banners, feedback?