Recruiting Moderators/Managers at Hobba Hotel

Feb 27, 2013
Hello Devbest,
Recently Hobba has undergone some development and wants to make immediate changes in it's staff team. We're looking to hire new Managers and Moderators. We want to hire people who stand out in the community and that can socialize well with other players. Below we've listed some additional requirements that indicate if you're a prime candidate. If you believe you're qualified to work at Hobba, you can Private Message Me or reply to this thread if you don't have enough posts. You must have an account on Hobba in order to be considered for staff.

What we look for:
  • Previous Experience (Not Required)
  • Being mature and avoiding rash decisions (i.e arguing with other users)
  • Dedication and time commitment (1 - 2 hours daily)
  • The ability to host games or keep users entertained
  • Fair knowledge of Habbo retros and the ongoings around the community
Application Suggestions:
You can submit anything you'd like to apply to Hobba but I've created a guideline for people to use in case they don't know where to get started.
Skype (Only Via Private Message):
Do you have previous experience? If so, where?
Why should we hire you?
What can you do to improve Hobba?
How often do you host events or introduce new games to users?
When did you start playing Habbo/Habbo Retros?
Any additional information...


New Member
Aug 30, 2011
Name: Jordan
Username: TBD
Skype: [email protected]
Previous Exp: Multiple Retros Including: Habfriendly, Habnam, ExenHotel, ExcelHotel and multiple others. Many of them I did owned or co-owned. I also managed a few.
Why should we hire you? I am reliable and well experienced. I am also extremely friendly and love to strive for the best. I will never stop helping and being there for this hotel!
What can I improve? I can improve the hotel in general. I will populate this hotel every single day. Expect at least 6-10 people whenever I advertise. I could also improve the well being of the environment; I get along with everyone and make sure they are happy where they are. If not, what can we do to satisfy their needs?
How often do I host events...? I host events when I feel the time is right. At times it is perfect to sit back and enjoy what we have and host very fun events. But then there is times when we (STAFF) need to get to work!
When did I start playing retros? I started playing retros around 9 years ago.
Additional Info: I will be so thankful if I could get a staff position. Like I said earlier I have owned many of them. I haven't been on in a while due to work. But now I am free and ready to go! I am willing to help own or take a position a step down from ownership. I am willing to help financially as well! I recommend contacting either from skype or that email I gave u in the skype section.

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