[Minecraft] [RELEASE] Official multi-player server (MEMBERS ONLY!!).

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Chaturbate Livestreamer
Staff member
FindRetros Moderator
Jul 24, 2010

I got into Minecraft recently, and decided to do a sevrer, I set up the legit members only one instead ;[ - but, as it works, I may as-well release it here, I put up some notes in the ZIP file on how to configure it, 'l also post it here;

I complied this release together, therefore I know 100% that it works, you need to port-forward for others to play, but yeah members only.

It's really easy to set up, If you have troubles with java, or getting Minecraft to work, goto the wiki which is , bottom of the page or in the zip. - Thanks.


ZIP FILE! said:
Configure the Minecraft Server

1) Configure the server by editing the server.properties (Use this link to see how it works). This file will be in the same folder as the Server.exe program. Windows may not recognize it, so tell it to open with any word processor (such as Notepad). The server should run fine from default properties.

2) Add your username to the admin.txt and/or op.txt (newer versions may not have an admin.txt file). Admin.txt allows you to execute server commands, and op privileges allows you to destroy/place blocks. Add the name exactly as it is. From the server gui, you can type "op <name>" and it will automatically update the op.txt file.

3) If your computer is connected to a router, open and forward the port that is set for use with the server (The default is 25565). For help with port forwarding, portforward.com is a good source, alternatively one can read the documentation supplied with the router, modem, or other ISP related hardware.

4) Verify the port is open and note your external IP by using a open port check tool.

- Enjoy x]

- Main source: - Everything will be on there.

- Thanks.


Joshua Pike.
Sep 13, 2010
Personally, I think you should edit your post and tell us a little bit more about minecraft, how to play etc.


Chaturbate Livestreamer
Staff member
FindRetros Moderator
Jul 24, 2010
Personally, I think you should edit your post and tell us a little bit more about minecraft, how to play etc.

Yeah, I'm really going to do that when it's only a release? GET ON GOOGLE OR THE WIKI LIKE THE POSTS SAYS.. - Gawd.. Keep your opinions to your self next time, and stay on topic..


Jan 6, 2011
Minecraft is a survival game [paid version] with animals and you can grow plants and its actually very fun once you get to play it, i can give you a hacked version of the [paid] version.


The OGz
Aug 4, 2010
Nice share Craig, now I just need a tutorial for setting up, and I'm not liking the portforwarding, thanked.

Edit: Totally tried it but failed!


Chaturbate Livestreamer
Staff member
FindRetros Moderator
Jul 24, 2010
@Kieren, you need to port-forward for you to have your own multi-player server.


New Member
Feb 9, 2011
minecraft is awsome, i do wanna download it but i got loads of crap to drop from my computer then i will be trying it out.


Chaturbate Livestreamer
Staff member
FindRetros Moderator
Jul 24, 2010
I have released a tutorial of setting this up the single player mode, can be located by clicking - Thanks.


New Member
Dec 10, 2010
The main story of minecraft is to basicly survive on an island.

1) the first thing you want to do when you get onto your world is get wood and you need a few logs (around 15-20) that should last you for a little while and when you get them you should make them into planks and take about 5 planks and make them into sticks to make your mining gear (pickaxes, axes, shovels, crafting table).

2) after you have made all of your mining gear you should look for some coal. coal is found in rocks as you may know the rocks where you get coal are most likely placed where you spawn coal is useful for alot of things you can make lights out of it which are very useful because it stops monsters from getting into your home and stuff like that. (Side note: while mining look out for other stone e.g. iron,gold,diamond,redstone so you can make better pick axes).

3) Time to start building your house i like building mine out of wooden planks but its your choice but first you will want to find some nice flat land where you can build your home and maybe some more stuff because you can build what you want i like to plan out how big my rooms are going to be and how many and what is going to like and stuff before i plan how high the walls are going to go and then when i know i start building.

If you want to know what combinations on how to make things then use the minecraft wiki:


Jul 6, 2011
I downloaded it but I needed Java I don't really want to download Java but nice tut for a release. 9/10
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