Applicant Management


i am a virgin
Apr 6, 2016
Right let's kick this off with a little bit of information about me. I'm Virgin and have been involved in this community for a while now, worked with a lot of people and have gained quite a lot of skills from this (to do with Habbo we're not all that sad y'know) but yeah I do quite a lot of photography behind the scenes which I started this year and have to say I am really enjoying it. From my prior experience to writing this I can take on any role that you need me to manage, please don't think because of what the title says it's either that or nothing - please note I wont be helping out a new hotel that wishes to close in a few days, I want to dedicate to well developed hotel or a startup ran by someone I know wont shut it down after a few days.

What can I bring to the table... (chairs, jokes)
I can do quite a lot actually in-terms of doing community based roles, great with thinking of new features that can do wonders for the hotel and the users, great with advertising and getting members without starting war with other hotels. Also very experienced with the moderation system and can ensure you the hotel will be moderated by an experienced individual that isn't power mad and will mip everyone!

That's all you really need to know as far as my experience goes I am more then happy to provide that to anyone serious about my offer and go into more detail. I'll look forward to hearing from some of you!


Always Learning
Aug 8, 2013
If you're interested in being apart of an RP, I have some open Minister positions I need to start filling. Hit me up if you are interested.


echo 'Web Developer';
Nov 29, 2016
If you're still interested in a management position at a normal hotel, DM me your Discord and we can talk about an upcoming hotel I am opening.


i am a virgin
Apr 6, 2016
If you're still interested in a management position at a normal hotel, DM me your Discord and we can talk about an upcoming hotel I am opening.

I’ll send you it later I’ve just gone out, should be back in about an hour or so.

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