Show DevBest Loader generator script. [PHP]/[Anon]

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Still alive
May 27, 2010
This is just a quick release, I know the PHP isn't the best but it serves it purpose. Feel free to make modifications to the following code:

//Loader maker by Ryan Davidson or Anon from
if ($_POST['Submit']) {
if (empty($_POST['texts'])){
echo "You left the Texts field blank!<br /><br />";
if (empty($_POST['vars'])){
echo "You left the Variables field blank!<br /><br />";
if (empty($_POST['dcr'])){
echo "You left the DCR field blank!<br /><br />";
if (empty($_POST['ip'])){
echo "You left the IP field blank!<br /><br />";
if (empty($_POST['port'])){
echo "You left the Port field blank!<br /><br />";
if (empty($_POST['name'])){
echo "You left the Hotel name field blank!<br /><br />";
if (empty($_POST['reload'])){
echo "You left the Reload URL field blank!<br /><br />";
else {
echo "Your loader has been created successfully, your code is below ready to be pasted to your site!<br /><br />";
echo "<textarea rows='25' cols='40'><center>Welcome to ".$_POST['name']."!<br /><br />
<object classid='clsid:166B1BCA-3F9C-11CF-8075-444553540000' codebase=',5,1,0' id='habbo' width='720' height='540'>
      <param name='src' value='".$_POST['dcr']."'>
      <param name='swRemote' value='swSaveEnabled='true' swVolume='true' swRestart='false' swPausePlay='false' swFastForward='false' swTitle='Habbo Hotel' swContextMenu='true' '>
      <param name='swStretchStyle' value='none'>
      <param name='swText' value=''>
      <param name='bgColor' value='#000000'>
      <param name='sw6' value='external.texts.txt=".$_POST['texts']."'>
      <param name='sw2' value='".$_POST['ip'].";".$_POST['port']."'>
      <param name='sw4' value=';connection.mus.port=30001'>
      <param name='sw3' value='client.reload.url=".$_POST['reload']."'>
      <param name='sw1' value='site.url=;url.prefix='>
      <param name='sw5' value='external.variables.txt=".$_POST['vars']."'>
      <embed src='".$_POST['dcr']."' bgColor='#000000' width='720' height='540' swRemote='swSaveEnabled='true' swVolume='true' swRestart='false' swPausePlay='false' swFastForward='false' swTitle='Habbo Hotel' swContextMenu='true'' swStretchStyle='none' swText='' type='application/x-director' pluginspage='' sw6='external.texts.txt=".$_POST['texts']."' sw2='".$_POST['ip'].";".$_POST['port']."' sw4=';connection.mus.port=30001' sw3='client.reload.url=".$_POST['reload']."' sw1='site.url=;url.prefix=' sw5='external.variables.txt=".$_POST['vars']."'>
else {
<form method="post">
<strong>DCR's, texts and variables</strong><br /><br />
External texts URL:  <input name="texts" type="text" /><br /><br />
External variables URL:  <input name="vars" type="text" /><br /><br />
DCR URL:  <input name="dcr" type="text" /><br /><br />
<strong>Server information</strong><br /><br />
IP address:  <input name="ip" type="text" value="<?php echo $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] ?>" /><br /><br />
Hotel port:  <input name="port" type="text" /><br /><br />
<strong>General information</strong><br /><br />
Hotel name:  <input name="name" type="text" /><br /><br />
Reload URL:  <input name="reload" type="text" /><br /><br />
<input name="Submit" type="submit" class="form" value="Create loader!" /></form>


Русский Стандарт
Dec 18, 2010
They're old news now but cool release. Also, your demo is down.
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