Recruiting Just wondering the cost.


Aug 25, 2011
I'm looking to re-open my old rp retro, But I have no clue about this new way of life, especially without Flash. I wondered how much it would cost to have someone at least build the basic foundations that any rp needs. I need a working rp with nitro compatibility and a functioning housekeeping that includes an ase where apps for staff and businesses can be approved or denied. I quite like Instincts RP Edition but I have no clue how to set that up.


Deutsch Techno-Freak WIR SIND EIN
Feb 21, 2011
you be lucky they dont come cheap and rp hotels have died but ask what your budget is how much work you willing to pout in once you get it and ask yerself how long can i last on a rp hotel


Mar 17, 2018
It gets expensive man
Alone in the last 9 months we’ve put in over 1400 Euro into my hotel, customizations and plugins, server bills, etc. we aren’t even Role-playing, though we do have some features Roleplays have.

Considering Roleplays are almost non existent someone would be building you plugins or an emulator from scratch and that’d cost you a fortune. Then you have your monthly fees to consider on top of that as well.

As said above you’re best to figure out a budget that suits you and see if anyone’s willing to do the work.


New Member
May 7, 2019
I'm looking to re-open my old rp retro, But I have no clue about this new way of life, especially without Flash. I wondered how much it would cost to have someone at least build the basic foundations that any rp needs. I need a working rp with nitro compatibility and a functioning housekeeping that includes an ase where apps for staff and businesses can be approved or denied. I quite like Instincts RP Edition but I have no clue how to set that up.
I know someone who’s brilliant at it and it cost me 32 with vps & him setting it up

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