

Sep 29, 2010
JungleNetwork is a network reaching out to gamers to help them build up their channel and support them in their projects.

Were hoping to build our numbers up and with our strength bring new ideas to the table by getting the viewers more involved. When we have enough support we will officially start partnering our director's and help them to reach their goals. There are big networks out there, but we want this network to be run by the gamers themselves delivering what you wany on a channel and bring the directors you want to offer the best content for the community.

The best thing about this is that anyone can join, you don't have to have a specific number of views or subscribers. The only thing you need is good quality content, if your channel is small and has great content then we will help you build up your channel and support your projects.

Why should you join the JungleNetwork?
The benefits of joining networks is increased CPMs. Many content creators are fed up with low CPMs and struggle to get their channel off the ground because of this. We work with great partners that are dedicated to increase YOUR CPMs. This can result in a 20x increased CPMs, and with no limit to the amount you get!
Partners will receive tips on how to grow their channel and unlock unlimited possibilities for them. The JungleNetwork is now starting a mentoring program, that is dedicated to increase the views and subscribers that your channel gets. Not only that, but we’ll also showcase your content on our channels, showing your content to a wider audience. When you’re a partner you’ll also be able to unlock special sections in our forums, that will make it easier for you to contact other partners within the JungleNetwork, helping each other out and growing the whole community
Many networks don’t often do much to help you grow. We are not like other networks. We want to collaborate with you by listening to your ideas and projects. We’re very open to new ideas and a new way of thinking. If you would like to start a show on your channel, you just contact us, and we’ll help you get that show off the ground, by giving you helpful resources and improve your project.
To you we may seem like any other network, but we aren't. The reason why this network was created was to help small and big Youtubers. Giving them the possibility to show their content to a wider audience, and being involved in a great community. Although we've recently started, we have been on Youtube for quite some time. We've seen how hard it is to get a channel of the ground, and show it to Youtube. There are many talented Youtubers out there, that have great content, but struggle with low views and low subscriber base.
Hopefully we can change that, since we look at every application we receive, and we don't judge on views, but on content.


Oh and don't ask for a partnership here apply at:

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