so there is a clothing store when i can actually buy clothes in that room?
#region clothing case "buy":
using (DatabaseClient dbClient = Eucalypt.dbManager.GetClient())
string clothes = stringManager.wrapParameters(args, 1);
string[] id = clothes.Split(new Char[] { '-' });
string hair = id[0];
if (id[0] == "ch")
string thefigure = _Figure;
string[] result = thefigure.Split(new Char[] { '.' });
Room.sendSaying(roomUser, "*Buys a new sexah shirt shirt*");
result[1] = "ch-1-1";
_Figure = result[0] + "." + result[1] + "." + result[2] + "." + result[3] + "." + result[4] + "." + result[5] + "." + result[6];
dbClient.runQuery("UPDATE users SET figure = '" + result[0] + "." + result[1] + "." + result[2] + "." + result[3] + "." + result[4] + "." + result[5] + "." + result[6] + "' WHERE name = '" + _Username + "'");
refreshAppearance(false, true, true);
else if (id[0] == "ea")
string thefigure = _Figure;
string[] result = thefigure.Split(new Char[] { '.' });
Room.sendSaying(roomUser, "*Buys some new glasses*");
result[5] = "ea-1-1";
_Figure = result[0] + "." + result[1] + "." + result[2] + "." + result[3] + "." + result[4] + "." + result[5] + "." + result[6];
dbClient.runQuery("UPDATE users SET figure = '" + result[0] + "." + result[1] + "." + result[2] + "." + result[3] + "." + result[4] + "." + result[5] + "." + result[6] + "' WHERE name = '" + _Username + "'");
refreshAppearance(false, true, true);
else if (id[0] == "ha")
string thefigure = _Figure;
string[] result = thefigure.Split(new Char[] { '.' });
Room.sendSaying(roomUser, "*Buys a new hat!*");
result[6] = "ha-1-1";
_Figure = result[0] + "." + result[1] + "." + result[2] + "." + result[3] + "." + result[4] + "." + result[5] + "." + result[6];
dbClient.runQuery("UPDATE users SET figure = '" + result[0] + "." + result[1] + "." + result[2] + "." + result[3] + "." + result[4] + "." + result[5] + "." + result[6] + "' WHERE name = '" + _Username + "'");
refreshAppearance(false, true, true);
else if (id[0] == "sh")
string thefigure = _Figure;
string[] result = thefigure.Split(new Char[] { '.' });
result[3] = "sh-1-1";
Room.sendSaying(roomUser, "*Purchases a new pair of shoes*");
_Figure = result[0] + "." + result[1] + "." + result[2] + "." + result[3] + "." + result[4] + "." + result[5] + "." + result[6];
dbClient.runQuery("UPDATE users SET figure = '" + result[0] + "." + result[1] + "." + result[2] + "." + result[3] + "." + result[4] + "." + result[5] + "." + result[6] + "' WHERE name = '" + _Username + "'");
refreshAppearance(false, true, true);
sendData("BK" + "You cannot be working, arrested or dead to change clothes!");