Illuminia CMS Help


New Member
Mar 1, 2013
Hiya.. Can anyone help me fix this error I get:

Server error
The website encountered an error while retrieving http://() It may be down for maintenance or configured incorrectly.
Here are some suggestions:
Reload this webpage later.
HTTP Error 500 (Internal Server Error): An unexpected condition was encountered while the server was attempting to fulfill the request.

My config is ;
    class LightCMS {
        // o-------------------------------------------------------o
        // | Welcome to LightCMS - a simple and effective way to  |
        // | manage your hotel. Simply set the variables in this  |
        // | file, and you're on your way to a successful start.  |
        // |                    Good luck! -Jonty                  |
        // o-------------------------------------------------------o
        // Database Information (IMPORTANT)
        public $db_hostname = "localhost";
        public $db_username = "root";
        public $db_password = "PW";
        public $db_dbname = "Hop";
        // Site Information (IMPORTANT)
        public $site_url = "";
        public $site_name = "Rubba Hotel";
        public $site_short = "Rubba";
        public $facebook_account = "RubbaHotel";
        public $twitter_account = "Rubbahotelcom";
        public $maintenance = false;
        public $thehabbos_enabled = false;
        public $thehabbos_username = "jcat";
        public $c_images = "";
        // Misc Settings
        public $FORCE_SSL = false;
        public $flash_client_dump = true;
        public $mus_ip = '';
        public $mus_port = '30001';
        // Registration Controls
        public $max_per_ip = 30;
        public $reg_enabled = true;
        public $default_credits = "15000";
        public $default_pixels = "15000";
        public $default_homeroom = "598898";
        public $default_look = "";
        public $default_rank = "1";
        public $default_motto = "I am new at Rubba, hey!";
        public $default_gender = "M";
        // Server Settings
        public $server_type = "Butterfly"; // Phoenix or Butterfly
        // Caching Settings
        public $apc_enabled = false;
        // Client Settings
        public $connection_info_host = "";
        public $connection_info_port = "30000";
        public $variables = "";
        public $texts = "http://";
        public $override_texts = "";
        public $productdata = "";
        public $furnidata = "";
        public $baseurl = "";
        public $habbo_swf = "";
        public $loadingtext = "Please wait! Rubba 2.0 is loading.";
        // o-------------------------------------------------------------o
        // o-------------------------------------------------------------o       
        private $extDir = "engine/classes/ext/";
        private $classDir = "engine/classes/";
        public function exec() {
            require $this->extDir . "class_raintpl.php";
            require $this->classDir . "class_users.php";
            require $this->classDir . "class_settings.php";
            require $this->classDir . "class_core.php";
            require $this->classDir . "class_db.php";
            require $this->classDir . "class_tpl.php";
            $this->MySQLi['Hostname'] = $this->db_hostname;
            $this->MySQLi['Username'] = $this->db_username;
            $this->MySQLi['Password'] = $this->db_password;
            $this->MySQLi['Database'] = $this->db_dbname;
        public static function getMainStories($amt) {
            global $db, $tpl;
            if($r = $db->query("SELECT id,title,topstory_image,snippet FROM site_news ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT " . $amt . "")) {
                $c = 0;
                while($a = $r->fetch_assoc()) {
                    $disp = 'block';
                    $imgurl = $a['topstory_image'];
                    if($c > 0) { $disp = 'none'; }
                    $_seo = $a['id'] . "-" . strtolower(str_replace(' ', '-', $a['title']));
                    echo '<div class="topstory" style="background-image: url(' . $imgurl . '); display: ' . $disp . ';">
                            <h4>Latest news</h4>
                            <h3><a href="' . WWW . '/articles/' . $_seo . '">' . $a['title'] . '</a></h3>
                            <p class="summary">
                            ' . $a['snippet'] . '
                                <a href="' . WWW . '/articles/' . $_seo . '">Read more &raquo;</a>
                                    echo '<div id="topstories-nav" style="display: none"><a href="#" class="prev">&laquo; Previous</a><span>1</span> / ' . $c . '<a href="#" class="next">Next &raquo;</a></div>';
            else {
        public static function getSubStories() {
            global $db;
            if($r = $db->query("SELECT id,title,datestr FROM site_news ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 3,3")) {
                $oE = "odd";
                while($a = $r->fetch_assoc()) {
                    if($oE == "odd") { $oE = "even"; } else { $oE = "odd"; }
                    $_seo = $a['id'] . "-" . strtolower(str_replace(' ', '-', $a['title']));
                    echo '<li class="' . $oE . '">
                        <a href="' . WWW . '/articles/' . $_seo . '">' . stripslashes($a['title']) . ' &raquo;</a><div class="newsitem-date">' . $a['datestr'] . '</div>
            else {
        public static function drawNewsList($selectedId) {
            global $db;
            if($listquery = $db->query("SELECT id,title FROM site_news ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 50")) {
                while($newslist = $listquery->fetch_assoc()) {
                    $_seo = $newslist['id'] . "-" . strtolower(str_replace(' ', '-', $newslist['title']));
                    if($newslist['id'] == $selectedId) {
                        echo "<li>" . $newslist['title'] . "</li>";
                    else {
                        echo "<li><a href='" . WWW . "/articles/" . $_seo . "'>" . stripslashes($newslist['title']) . "</a></li>";
            else {
        public static function getHotCampaigns() {
            global $db;
            if($get = $db->query("SELECT id,enabled,image_url,caption,descr,url FROM site_hotcampaigns ORDER BY id DESC")) {
                $oddEven = "odd";
                while($camps = $get->fetch_assoc()) {
                    $imgurl = $camps['image_url'];
                    $url = $camps['url'];
                    if($oddEven == "odd") { $oddEven = "even"; } else { $oddEven = "odd"; }
                    if($camps['enabled'] == 1) {
                            echo    '<li class="' . $oddEven . '">
                            <div class="hotcampaign-container">
                            <a href="' . $url . '">
                            <img src="' . $imgurl . '" align="left" alt="' . $camps['caption'] . '"/></a>
                            <h3>' . $camps['caption'] . '</h3>
                            <p>' . $camps['descr'] . '</p>
                            <p class="link"><a href="' . $url . '">Go there &raquo;</a></p>
            else {
        public function errorMessage($str) {
            return '<center><font color="red"><b>' . $str . '</center></font></b>';
        public function successMessage($str) {
            return '<center><font color="green"><b>' . $str . '</center></font></b>';
        public function Mus($header, $data = '') {
            $musData = $header . chr(1) . $data;
            $sock = @socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, getprotobyname('tcp'));
            @socket_connect($sock, $this->mus_ip, $this->mus_port);
            @socket_send($sock, $musData, strlen($musData), MSG_DONTROUTE);   
        public static function drawBadgeList() {
            global $users, $db, $light;
            echo "<table align='center'>";
            if($bdq = $db->query("SELECT badge_id,cost FROM badge_shop")) {
                while($bdi = $bdq->fetch_assoc()) {   
                    if(!$users->doesUserHaveBadge(USER_ID, $bdi['badge_id'])) {
                        $src = "http://";
                        echo "<tr>";
                        echo "<td><img src='" . $light->c_images . "/album1584/" . $bdi['badge_id'] . ".gif'></td>";
                        echo "<td style='font-size:11px;'><form method='post'><input type='hidden' value='" . $bdi['badge_id'] . "' name='BadgeId'> <br />
                                This badge costs " . number_format($bdi['cost']) . " coins. <br />
                                <input type='submit' value='Purchase this badge'></form></td>";
                        echo "</tr>";
            else {
            echo "</table>";
        public static function drawRandomHabbos() {
            global $db, $users;
            if($gethabbosq = $db->query("SELECT username FROM users WHERE online = '1' ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 18")) {
                $i = 0;
                while($randomHabbo = $gethabbosq->fetch_assoc()) {
                    echo '<div id="active-habbo-data-' . $i . '" class="active-habbo-data">
                        <div class="active-habbo-data-container">
                            <div class="active-name ' . (($users->userVar($randomHabbo['username'], 'online') == "1") ? 'online' : 'offline') . '">' . $users->userVar($randomHabbo['username'], 'username') . '</div>
                            Zap created on: ' . $users->userVar($randomHabbo['username'], 'account_created') . '
                                <p class="moto">' . $users->userVar($randomHabbo['username'], 'motto') . '</p>
                    <input type="hidden" id="active-habbo-url-' . $i . '" value="' . WWW . '/user/' . $users->userVar($randomHabbo['username'], 'username') . '"/>
                    <input type="hidden" id="active-habbo-image-' . $i . '" class="active-habbo-image" value="' . WWW . '/avatar.php?figure=' . $users->userVar($randomHabbo['username'], 'look') . '&direction=4&head_direction=4" />';
        public static function drawStaffPageForRank($rankno) {
            global $db, $light, $users;
            if($getranks = $db->query("SELECT username FROM users WHERE rank = '" . $rankno . "' ORDER BY id ASC")) {
                $oddEven = "fff";
                while($udata = $getranks->fetch_assoc()) {
                    if($oddEven != "E6E6E6") {
                        $oddEven = "E6E6E6";
                    else {
                        $oddEven = "fff";
                    $u = $udata['username'];
                    $displayname = $u;
                    $getBadge = $db->query("SELECT badge_id FROM user_badges WHERE user_id = '" . $users->userVar($u, 'id') . "' AND badge_slot = '1'");
                    while($bI = $getBadge->fetch_assoc()) {
                        $usersBadge = $bI['badge_id'];
                    if($users->userVar($u, 'online') == "1") { $online = "online_anim"; } else { $online = "offline"; }
                    echo '<table width="107%" style="padding: 5px; margin-left: -15px; background-color: #' . $oddEven . '; font-size:11px;">
                                <td valign="middle" width="25">
                                    <img style="margin-top: -10px;" src="' . WWW . '/avatar.php?figure=' . $users->userVar($u, 'look') . '">
                                <td valign="top">
                                    <img src="' . WWW . '/images/habbo_' . $online . '.gif" align="left"><b style="font-size: 110%;"><a href="' . WWW . '/user/' . $u . '">' . $displayname . '</a></b><br /><br />
                                    Motto: <i>' . $users->userVar($u, 'motto') . '</i> <br />';
                                    if($rankno > 6) {
                                        echo 'Position: <i>' . $users->userVar($u, 'position') . '</i><br />';
                                        echo '<img src="' . $light->c_images . '/album1584/' . $usersBadge . '.gif">
            else {
                echo "<i>There are currently no staff members for this group.</i>";
        public static function getWallComments($pageid) {
            global $db, $light, $users;
            $getComments = $db->query("SELECT id, poster_id, message, likes FROM profile_wall WHERE page_id = '" . $pageid . "' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 10");
            echo '<table style="font-size:11px;">';
            while($cData = $getComments->fetch_assoc()) {
                $username = $users->userVar($users->idToName($cData['poster_id']), 'username');
                echo "<tr>";
                echo "<td><img src='" . WWW . "/avatar.php?figure=" . $users->userVar($username, 'look') . "&gesture=sml&size=m'><br /><center><a href='" . WWW . "/user/" . $username . "'><b>" . $username . "</b></a>";
                if($pageid == USER_ID || USER_RANK > 10) {
                    echo "<br /><br /><a href='" . WWW . "/user/" . $users->idToName($pageid) . "&deleteComment=" . $cData['id'] . "'>Delete</a>";
                echo "</center></td>";
                echo "<td>" . stripslashes($cData["message"]);
                echo "</td>";
                echo "</tr>";
            echo "</table>";
        public static function getUnreadCount($userid) {
            global $db;
            $query = $db->query("SELECT null FROM profile_wall WHERE page_id = '" . $userid . "' AND owner_read = '0' LIMIT 10");
            return $query->num_rows;
        public static function getOnlineFriends($userid) {
            $friendsList = array();
            global $db, $users;
            $getFriends = $db->query("SELECT receiver,sender FROM messenger_friendships WHERE receiver = '" . $userid . "' OR sender = '" . $userid . "'");
            while($friends = $getFriends->fetch_assoc()) {
                if($friends['receiver'] != $userid && $friends['sender'] == $userid) {
                    $friendsList[] = $friends['receiver'];
                else if($friends['sender'] != $userid && $friends['receiver'] == $userid) {
                    $friendsList[] = $friends['sender'];
            $friendCount = count($friendsList);
            if($friendCount > 0) {
                $noFriends = true;
                for($i = 0; $i <= $friendCount; $i++) {
                    $username = $users->idToName($friendsList[$i]);
                    if($users->userVar($username, 'online') == 1) {
                        echo "<a href='" . WWW . "/user/" . $username . "'><img src='" . WWW . "/avatar.php?figure=" . $users->userVar($username, 'look') . "&gesture=wav&size=s'></a>";
                        $noFriends = false;
                if($noFriends) {
                    echo "<i>This user does not have any friends online.</i>";
            else {
                echo "<i>This user does not have any friends.</i>";
        public static function displayUserBadges($userid) {
            global $db, $light;
            $querye = $db->query("SELECT badge_id FROM user_badges WHERE user_id = '" . $userid . "'");
            while($badges = $querye->fetch_assoc()) {
                echo "<img src='" . $light->c_images . "/album1584/" . $badges['badge_id'] . ".gif'>";


Mar 11, 2012
Open the IIS control panel and head into PHP manager, then go to error reporting and enable development mode (off the top of my head) and it should tell you what's wrong.

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