How to set up a retro in 2025 IIS) (Nitro HTML5) - (Part 1)


New Member
Jan 25, 2022
I've got an issue, I've followed the tut completely but my hotel now keeps re-loading on a loop but not fully loading in.
You might have to change ur config links, I Had the same problem. Do u have https:// or just in ur code


New Member
Feb 23, 2022
Hi Devbest

I've been asked quite a few times now for help with setting up different aspects of different hotels, so I figured why not make an in-depth tutorial that covers everything from A to Z, which is also using some of the more updated technologies in 2021 / 2022, like PHP 8.1, MariaDB, etc.

This guide will be explaining how to set up a Habbo retro on a Windows server as I think most people are more comfortable and used to the simple use of a GUI instead of a terminal and there are already a few up2date Linux tutorials.

A brief introduction of what we will setup:
Internet Information Services (IIS)
PHP 8.1
Cosmic CMS
Arcturus Emulator
Nitro client v1.2 (Latest as of 2nd of January 2022)
Nitro Converter

A VPS with Windows on it - If you don't have a VPS already you can purchase one from tons of different hosts. Personally, I'm using Contabo as my host as they provide Windows 2022 servers together with NVMe disks. The choice is totally yours tho.

IIS Installation:
Once you have got your server setup and have connected to it through Remote Desktop, you'll have to open the "Server Manager" application - If this didn't show automatically once you connected, simply search for it within your windows menu by writing "Server Manager"
  1. Click "Add roles and features" - a popup should appear showing some "Before you begin" information, check the "skip this page by default if you wish to not be shown this information the next time you open this feature
  2. Click next and make sure "Role-based or feature-based installation" is the toggled one and click next two times (This should land you on the "Server Roles" section
  3. Within the "Server Roles" section scroll down until you find "Web Server (IIS)" and check it (A popup should appear, within this popup click "Add Features". Once done click on "Next" 3 times. This should land you on the "Role services" within the "Web Server Role (IIS) section
  4. Scroll down until you find "Security" and check the "IP and Romain Restrictions"
  5. Open up the "Application Development" category (should be just beneath the Security) and check "CGI" once checked, click "Next" and "Install"
Step two:
  1. Install the PHP Manager extension -
  2. Install URL Rewrite extension -
Once the steps above have been followed-through, you should be able to enter your server IP within your browser and see the IIS Installation screen. Which would look like this:

You must be registered for see images attach
Any text editor / IDE of your choice - My personal recommendation is
Git - - Click on the button
PHP 7.1 or greater (This guide will be using PHP 8.1) - - Select the (should be the first one - As .zip format)
Composer - - Select the " "

Install an editor of your choice:
As mentioned before, it's totally up to you to choose which text editor / IDE you'd want to install, the most important thing is to use something you're comfortable with. My recommendation however is Visual Studio Code which you can . Once downloaded simply go through the setup process, by clicking next until finished.

Install GIT:
You'll have to install GIT as not only is it an amazing tool, but it will also be necessary for us later on. To install GIT simply and go through the installation process, by clicking next until finished.

PHP 8.1 setup:
In this tutorial, we will be using PHP 8.1 which is the most recent PHP version as of 05th December 2021.

To set up PHP 8.1 you'll simply have to and choose the (should be the first one). Once downloaded browse yourself into
C:\Program Files
and create a new folder named "PHP". Once the PHP folder has been created, simply copy all the downloaded PHP files into your new folder.

Register your PHP version
To make sure IIS will be using your newly downloaded PHP version, open your "Internet Information Services" application, click on the VMIxxxx, find PHP manager, and double click on it.

Once you have opened your PHP Manager click on the "Register new PHP version" when clicked a popup should appear, asking you to provide the path to your PHP. Click the 3 dots next to the input field and browse into C:\Program Files\PHP and select the "php-cgi.exe" and click "open". The path to the "php-cgi.exe" should now be set and click "OK".
If everything was successful you should now see your PHP version etc all within the PHP manager tab

You must be registered for see images attach
You must be registered for see images attach

Install the necessary redistributable:
PHP requires you to download some redistributables, you don't have to think soo much of it. Simply and go through the setup process, by accepting the terms and clicking next until finished.

Composer setup
It's time to set up Composer. Composer is in short terms a package manager tool, that we will be needing, later on, to install the necessary Composer packages for Cosmic CMS. and select the " ".

Once Composer has been downloaded, open the "Composer-setup" application that just got downloaded and select "Install for all users (recommended)".

You'll then be prompted with "Installation options" leave it as it is and click "Next". Once you have clicked "Next" you should see the "Settings Check" which a little further down should have your php.exe listed automatically for you. If the path seems correct check the "Add this PHP to your path" and hit "Next".

If for whatever reason the automatically selected PHP path isn't correct simply click "Browse..." and browse yourself into C:\Program Files\PHP and select the php application, then click "Open" and toggle the "Add this PHP to your path" and hit "Next".

You must be registered for see images attach

Once you've clicked on "Next" you'll see a "Proxy settings" screen, leave everything as it is and click "Next" and and "Install" - Once Composer has finished its installation click "Next" and then "Finish".

Composer is now fully installed and ready to use!

MySQL or MariaDB (This guide will be using MariaDB) -
DBeaver Database manager -

MariaDB installation:
To get started, with the installation of MariaDB click the "Download" button on the .

Next, open the installation file, that just got downloaded and click next until you reach the part where you have to set a password for the root user. Fill out a secure password, that you have noted somewhere safe. It's important that you don't forget this password as it will be the password for the database. Once you have filled out the password fields, go ahead and check the "Use UTF8 as the default server's character set" - It should look something like the image below:
You must be registered for see images attach

Click "Next" and leave everything to their default presets until you can click "Install" then click install, wait for the installation to be finished. Once the installation has finished click on "Finish".

Hurray! Your database server has now been set up and will be ready to use.

Install a database manager:
To manage our database, we'll need a database manager.

MariaDB automatically installs HeidiSQL however in this guide we will go ahead and install DBeaver and use that instead (So feel free to uninstall HeidiSQL)

The first step will be to install DBeaver, which and select the . Once DBeaver has been downloaded, go through the setup process, by simply clicking "Next" until you can click "Install" as it's not necessary to select anything or change any of the default presets.

Now open DBeaver and click "No" to the popup asking if you want to create a sample database. Next select "MariaDB" from the list of database servers and hit "Next".

Database credentials:
It's time to connect to our database server and to do that, you'll have to fill out the necessary credentials, which will be the following:
Server host: localhost
Port: 3306
Database: Leave this field empty
Username: root
Password: The password you set when installing MariaDB

Once the credentials have been put in, go ahead and click "Test Connection" which will ask you to download the necessary drivers. Install the drivers by simply pressing "Download".

If the filled-in credentials are correct, DBeaver should show you a success message looking like the image below.
You must be registered for see images attach

Click on "Finish" then double click on your "localhost" connection showing on the left side of DBeaver.

Create your database:
For anything in our hotel to function properly, we'll need a database connected to it.

So to create a database right-click on the "Databases" folder that is shown inside the localhost connection and select "Create new database" which will show you a popup asking for a database name.

Fill in a database name of your choice and click "OK" - The Charset & Collation doesn't have to be changed from their default preset.

Import your Arcturus morningstar database:
To import your Arcturus morningstar database, you'll have to clone it down from the GIT repository first, and to do that all you have to do is:
Open the Git bash application on your server and write:
cd desktop
then press enter.

Next, write the following
git clone
and press enter.

A new folder will now appear on your desktop at your server named: "arcturus-morningstar-base-database"

Next, open up your DBeaver application once again, right-click on your newly created database and hover the "Tools" and select "Restore database" Which would look like the image below:
You must be registered for see images attach

Once "Restore database" has been selected, click on the orange folder next to the "Input File:" field and navigate to your desktop -> arcturus-morningstar-base-database folder and select the arcturus_morningstar_default_db_without_roomb.sql file. Once the .SQL file has been selected click "Start". The database import will then start. Once it has finished successfully a popup looking like the image below should appear:
You must be registered for see images attach

Click on "OK" and then click on the "Script configuration" on the top left corner and repeat the process for all the .SQL files (except the: purchase_history_addon.sql & the hotfix_1.sql) inside the "SQLUPDATES" folder as well as all the .SQL files inside the "ADDONS" Folder.

If you feel a little confused and don't know what exactly to do, that's totally fine. Here's a gif of the entire database import process:

Once you have successfully imported all the .SQL files double click on your database to make it show all the newly imported tables.

You have now successfully created and imported a database for Arcturus Morningstar, which we, later on, will be connecting to Cosmic CMS when setting that up.

To add some basic protection to our hotel, we will be adding Cloudflare.

Cloudflare makes it a breeze to set up DNS, add page rules, and on top of that, it adds a decent layer of protection for our hotel.

*I will not cover how you can set up a hotel without a domain or without Cloudflare. If you don't want to use Cloudflare to set up your hotel, you'll have to figure out how to set up a hotel on your own.

Cloudflare setup:
The first thing you'll need to set up Cloudflare is a domain. You can purchase a domain from plenty of different domain providers like Namecheap.

Once you have got your hands on a domain, head to and either log in or create an account.

Once you have logged in or created your account, click on the account within the "Accounts" section and then click "Add a site" (the blue button on the right)

You will now be sent to a page where you can enter your domain name. Enter your domain name and click "Add site". Once you have added your site, Cloudflare will ask you to select a plan. Scroll to the bottom and click on the free plan and then "Continue"

Next up Cloudflare will be scanning & reviewing your DNS records, once that has been done a full list of your record will be shown. Delete all the records except the "A" record and the "CNAME" record at the top - To delete a record click "Edit" and then "Delete"

Once all the records has been deleted, edit the IP address attached to the A record so that it matches your VPS IP.
The CNAME record should be changed so that the content field matches your domain name.
You must be registered for see images attach

Once the above has been done click on "Continue".

Cloudflare will then take you to a page explaining what you should do with your nameservers.

Once you have replaced your nameservers, click on "Done check nameservers"

* It may take up to 24 hours before nameserver changes take effect. However, in most cases, it won't take very long before the change has been processed.

The next step will be Cloudflare showing you a "Quick Start Guide"

Click on "Get started" and allow the following
Automatic HTTPS Rewrites - On
Always use HTTPS - On
Auto minify CSS and HTML (It's important that you don't minify your Javascript)
Brotli - On

Once your nameservers have been changed and registered your cloudflare should look like this
You must be registered for see images attach

That's it! easy right? Your Cloudflare has now been set up and you're now ready to set up Cosmic CMS.

Head to part 2 of the series and learn how to set up Cosmic CMS!

Did I miss anything?
Please let me know if I missed anything, as the guide contains a lot of information.
Hi there, i was wondering if I could set up my server online without a vps, like using an internal host machine where everybody can connect to whenever it's on (like for example minecraft tlauncher free servers).


New Member
Feb 28, 2022
Hi Devbest

I've been asked quite a few times now for help with setting up different aspects of different hotels, so I figured why not make an in-depth tutorial that covers everything from A to Z, which is also using some of the more updated technologies in 2021 / 2022, like PHP 8.1, MariaDB, etc.

This guide will be explaining how to set up a Habbo retro on a Windows server as I think most people are more comfortable and used to the simple use of a GUI instead of a terminal and there are already a few up2date Linux tutorials.

A brief introduction of what we will setup:
Internet Information Services (IIS)
PHP 8.1
Cosmic CMS
Arcturus Emulator
Nitro client v1.2 (Latest as of 2nd of January 2022)
Nitro Converter

A VPS with Windows on it - If you don't have a VPS already you can purchase one from tons of different hosts. Personally, I'm using Contabo as my host as they provide Windows 2022 servers together with NVMe disks. The choice is totally yours tho.

IIS Installation:
Once you have got your server setup and have connected to it through Remote Desktop, you'll have to open the "Server Manager" application - If this didn't show automatically once you connected, simply search for it within your windows menu by writing "Server Manager"
  1. Click "Add roles and features" - a popup should appear showing some "Before you begin" information, check the "skip this page by default if you wish to not be shown this information the next time you open this feature
  2. Click next and make sure "Role-based or feature-based installation" is the toggled one and click next two times (This should land you on the "Server Roles" section
  3. Within the "Server Roles" section scroll down until you find "Web Server (IIS)" and check it (A popup should appear, within this popup click "Add Features". Once done click on "Next" 3 times. This should land you on the "Role services" within the "Web Server Role (IIS) section
  4. Scroll down until you find "Security" and check the "IP and Romain Restrictions"
  5. Open up the "Application Development" category (should be just beneath the Security) and check "CGI" once checked, click "Next" and "Install"
Step two:
  1. Install the PHP Manager extension -
  2. Install URL Rewrite extension -
Once the steps above have been followed-through, you should be able to enter your server IP within your browser and see the IIS Installation screen. Which would look like this:

You must be registered for see images attach
Any text editor / IDE of your choice - My personal recommendation is
Git - - Click on the button
PHP 7.1 or greater (This guide will be using PHP 8.1) - - Select the (should be the first one - As .zip format)
Composer - - Select the " "

Install an editor of your choice:
As mentioned before, it's totally up to you to choose which text editor / IDE you'd want to install, the most important thing is to use something you're comfortable with. My recommendation however is Visual Studio Code which you can . Once downloaded simply go through the setup process, by clicking next until finished.

Install GIT:
You'll have to install GIT as not only is it an amazing tool, but it will also be necessary for us later on. To install GIT simply and go through the installation process, by clicking next until finished.

PHP 8.1 setup:
In this tutorial, we will be using PHP 8.1 which is the most recent PHP version as of 05th December 2021.

To set up PHP 8.1 you'll simply have to and choose the (should be the first one). Once downloaded browse yourself into
C:\Program Files
and create a new folder named "PHP". Once the PHP folder has been created, simply copy all the downloaded PHP files into your new folder.

Register your PHP version
To make sure IIS will be using your newly downloaded PHP version, open your "Internet Information Services" application, click on the VMIxxxx, find PHP manager, and double click on it.

Once you have opened your PHP Manager click on the "Register new PHP version" when clicked a popup should appear, asking you to provide the path to your PHP. Click the 3 dots next to the input field and browse into C:\Program Files\PHP and select the "php-cgi.exe" and click "open". The path to the "php-cgi.exe" should now be set and click "OK".
If everything was successful you should now see your PHP version etc all within the PHP manager tab

You must be registered for see images attach
You must be registered for see images attach

Install the necessary redistributable:
PHP requires you to download some redistributables, you don't have to think soo much of it. Simply and go through the setup process, by accepting the terms and clicking next until finished.

Composer setup
It's time to set up Composer. Composer is in short terms a package manager tool, that we will be needing, later on, to install the necessary Composer packages for Cosmic CMS. and select the " ".

Once Composer has been downloaded, open the "Composer-setup" application that just got downloaded and select "Install for all users (recommended)".

You'll then be prompted with "Installation options" leave it as it is and click "Next". Once you have clicked "Next" you should see the "Settings Check" which a little further down should have your php.exe listed automatically for you. If the path seems correct check the "Add this PHP to your path" and hit "Next".

If for whatever reason the automatically selected PHP path isn't correct simply click "Browse..." and browse yourself into C:\Program Files\PHP and select the php application, then click "Open" and toggle the "Add this PHP to your path" and hit "Next".

You must be registered for see images attach

Once you've clicked on "Next" you'll see a "Proxy settings" screen, leave everything as it is and click "Next" and and "Install" - Once Composer has finished its installation click "Next" and then "Finish".

Composer is now fully installed and ready to use!

MySQL or MariaDB (This guide will be using MariaDB) -
DBeaver Database manager -

MariaDB installation:
To get started, with the installation of MariaDB click the "Download" button on the .

Next, open the installation file, that just got downloaded and click next until you reach the part where you have to set a password for the root user. Fill out a secure password, that you have noted somewhere safe. It's important that you don't forget this password as it will be the password for the database. Once you have filled out the password fields, go ahead and check the "Use UTF8 as the default server's character set" - It should look something like the image below:
You must be registered for see images attach

Click "Next" and leave everything to their default presets until you can click "Install" then click install, wait for the installation to be finished. Once the installation has finished click on "Finish".

Hurray! Your database server has now been set up and will be ready to use.

Install a database manager:
To manage our database, we'll need a database manager.

MariaDB automatically installs HeidiSQL however in this guide we will go ahead and install DBeaver and use that instead (So feel free to uninstall HeidiSQL)

The first step will be to install DBeaver, which and select the . Once DBeaver has been downloaded, go through the setup process, by simply clicking "Next" until you can click "Install" as it's not necessary to select anything or change any of the default presets.

Now open DBeaver and click "No" to the popup asking if you want to create a sample database. Next select "MariaDB" from the list of database servers and hit "Next".

Database credentials:
It's time to connect to our database server and to do that, you'll have to fill out the necessary credentials, which will be the following:
Server host: localhost
Port: 3306
Database: Leave this field empty
Username: root
Password: The password you set when installing MariaDB

Once the credentials have been put in, go ahead and click "Test Connection" which will ask you to download the necessary drivers. Install the drivers by simply pressing "Download".

If the filled-in credentials are correct, DBeaver should show you a success message looking like the image below.
You must be registered for see images attach

Click on "Finish" then double click on your "localhost" connection showing on the left side of DBeaver.

Create your database:
For anything in our hotel to function properly, we'll need a database connected to it.

So to create a database right-click on the "Databases" folder that is shown inside the localhost connection and select "Create new database" which will show you a popup asking for a database name.

Fill in a database name of your choice and click "OK" - The Charset & Collation doesn't have to be changed from their default preset.

Import your Arcturus morningstar database:
To import your Arcturus morningstar database, you'll have to clone it down from the GIT repository first, and to do that all you have to do is:
Open the Git bash application on your server and write:
cd desktop
then press enter.

Next, write the following
git clone
and press enter.

A new folder will now appear on your desktop at your server named: "arcturus-morningstar-base-database"

Next, open up your DBeaver application once again, right-click on your newly created database and hover the "Tools" and select "Restore database" Which would look like the image below:
You must be registered for see images attach

Once "Restore database" has been selected, click on the orange folder next to the "Input File:" field and navigate to your desktop -> arcturus-morningstar-base-database folder and select the arcturus_morningstar_default_db_without_roomb.sql file. Once the .SQL file has been selected click "Start". The database import will then start. Once it has finished successfully a popup looking like the image below should appear:
You must be registered for see images attach

Click on "OK" and then click on the "Script configuration" on the top left corner and repeat the process for all the .SQL files (except the: purchase_history_addon.sql & the hotfix_1.sql) inside the "SQLUPDATES" folder as well as all the .SQL files inside the "ADDONS" Folder.

If you feel a little confused and don't know what exactly to do, that's totally fine. Here's a gif of the entire database import process:

Once you have successfully imported all the .SQL files double click on your database to make it show all the newly imported tables.

You have now successfully created and imported a database for Arcturus Morningstar, which we, later on, will be connecting to Cosmic CMS when setting that up.

To add some basic protection to our hotel, we will be adding Cloudflare.

Cloudflare makes it a breeze to set up DNS, add page rules, and on top of that, it adds a decent layer of protection for our hotel.

*I will not cover how you can set up a hotel without a domain or without Cloudflare. If you don't want to use Cloudflare to set up your hotel, you'll have to figure out how to set up a hotel on your own.

Cloudflare setup:
The first thing you'll need to set up Cloudflare is a domain. You can purchase a domain from plenty of different domain providers like Namecheap.

Once you have got your hands on a domain, head to and either log in or create an account.

Once you have logged in or created your account, click on the account within the "Accounts" section and then click "Add a site" (the blue button on the right)

You will now be sent to a page where you can enter your domain name. Enter your domain name and click "Add site". Once you have added your site, Cloudflare will ask you to select a plan. Scroll to the bottom and click on the free plan and then "Continue"

Next up Cloudflare will be scanning & reviewing your DNS records, once that has been done a full list of your record will be shown. Delete all the records except the "A" record and the "CNAME" record at the top - To delete a record click "Edit" and then "Delete"

Once all the records has been deleted, edit the IP address attached to the A record so that it matches your VPS IP.
The CNAME record should be changed so that the content field matches your domain name.
You must be registered for see images attach

Once the above has been done click on "Continue".

Cloudflare will then take you to a page explaining what you should do with your nameservers.

Once you have replaced your nameservers, click on "Done check nameservers"

* It may take up to 24 hours before nameserver changes take effect. However, in most cases, it won't take very long before the change has been processed.

The next step will be Cloudflare showing you a "Quick Start Guide"

Click on "Get started" and allow the following
Automatic HTTPS Rewrites - On
Always use HTTPS - On
Auto minify CSS and HTML (It's important that you don't minify your Javascript)
Brotli - On

Once your nameservers have been changed and registered your cloudflare should look like this
You must be registered for see images attach

That's it! easy right? Your Cloudflare has now been set up and you're now ready to set up Cosmic CMS.

Head to part 2 of the series and learn how to set up Cosmic CMS!

Did I miss anything?
Please let me know if I missed anything, as the guide contains a lot of information.
bro can u help me build my own habbo ? i can pay u :)?


New Member
Mar 29, 2022
Can anyone help please? Issues with nitro/ client not loading at all
Post automatically merged:

Hi Devbest

I've been asked quite a few times now for help with setting up different aspects of different hotels, so I figured why not make an in-depth tutorial that covers everything from A to Z, which is also using some of the more updated technologies in 2021 / 2022, like PHP 8.1, MariaDB, etc.

This guide will be explaining how to set up a Habbo retro on a Windows server as I think most people are more comfortable and used to the simple use of a GUI instead of a terminal and there are already a few up2date Linux tutorials.

A brief introduction of what we will setup:
Internet Information Services (IIS)
PHP 8.1
Cosmic CMS
Arcturus Emulator
Nitro client v1.2 (Latest as of 2nd of January 2022)
Nitro Converter

A VPS with Windows on it - If you don't have a VPS already you can purchase one from tons of different hosts. Personally, I'm using Contabo as my host as they provide Windows 2022 servers together with NVMe disks. The choice is totally yours tho.

IIS Installation:
Once you have got your server setup and have connected to it through Remote Desktop, you'll have to open the "Server Manager" application - If this didn't show automatically once you connected, simply search for it within your windows menu by writing "Server Manager"
  1. Click "Add roles and features" - a popup should appear showing some "Before you begin" information, check the "skip this page by default if you wish to not be shown this information the next time you open this feature
  2. Click next and make sure "Role-based or feature-based installation" is the toggled one and click next two times (This should land you on the "Server Roles" section
  3. Within the "Server Roles" section scroll down until you find "Web Server (IIS)" and check it (A popup should appear, within this popup click "Add Features". Once done click on "Next" 3 times. This should land you on the "Role services" within the "Web Server Role (IIS) section
  4. Scroll down until you find "Security" and check the "IP and Romain Restrictions"
  5. Open up the "Application Development" category (should be just beneath the Security) and check "CGI" once checked, click "Next" and "Install"
Step two:
  1. Install the PHP Manager extension -
  2. Install URL Rewrite extension -
Once the steps above have been followed-through, you should be able to enter your server IP within your browser and see the IIS Installation screen. Which would look like this:

You must be registered for see images attach
Any text editor / IDE of your choice - My personal recommendation is
Git - - Click on the button
PHP 7.1 or greater (This guide will be using PHP 8.1) - - Select the (should be the first one - As .zip format)
Composer - - Select the " "

Install an editor of your choice:
As mentioned before, it's totally up to you to choose which text editor / IDE you'd want to install, the most important thing is to use something you're comfortable with. My recommendation however is Visual Studio Code which you can . Once downloaded simply go through the setup process, by clicking next until finished.

Install GIT:
You'll have to install GIT as not only is it an amazing tool, but it will also be necessary for us later on. To install GIT simply and go through the installation process, by clicking next until finished.

PHP 8.1 setup:
In this tutorial, we will be using PHP 8.1 which is the most recent PHP version as of 05th December 2021.

To set up PHP 8.1 you'll simply have to and choose the (should be the first one). Once downloaded browse yourself into
C:\Program Files
and create a new folder named "PHP". Once the PHP folder has been created, simply copy all the downloaded PHP files into your new folder.

Register your PHP version
To make sure IIS will be using your newly downloaded PHP version, open your "Internet Information Services" application, click on the VMIxxxx, find PHP manager, and double click on it.

Once you have opened your PHP Manager click on the "Register new PHP version" when clicked a popup should appear, asking you to provide the path to your PHP. Click the 3 dots next to the input field and browse into C:\Program Files\PHP and select the "php-cgi.exe" and click "open". The path to the "php-cgi.exe" should now be set and click "OK".
If everything was successful you should now see your PHP version etc all within the PHP manager tab

You must be registered for see images attach
You must be registered for see images attach

Install the necessary redistributable:
PHP requires you to download some redistributables, you don't have to think soo much of it. Simply and go through the setup process, by accepting the terms and clicking next until finished.

Composer setup
It's time to set up Composer. Composer is in short terms a package manager tool, that we will be needing, later on, to install the necessary Composer packages for Cosmic CMS. and select the " ".

Once Composer has been downloaded, open the "Composer-setup" application that just got downloaded and select "Install for all users (recommended)".

You'll then be prompted with "Installation options" leave it as it is and click "Next". Once you have clicked "Next" you should see the "Settings Check" which a little further down should have your php.exe listed automatically for you. If the path seems correct check the "Add this PHP to your path" and hit "Next".

If for whatever reason the automatically selected PHP path isn't correct simply click "Browse..." and browse yourself into C:\Program Files\PHP and select the php application, then click "Open" and toggle the "Add this PHP to your path" and hit "Next".

You must be registered for see images attach

Once you've clicked on "Next" you'll see a "Proxy settings" screen, leave everything as it is and click "Next" and and "Install" - Once Composer has finished its installation click "Next" and then "Finish".

Composer is now fully installed and ready to use!

MySQL or MariaDB (This guide will be using MariaDB) -
DBeaver Database manager -

MariaDB installation:
To get started, with the installation of MariaDB click the "Download" button on the .

Next, open the installation file, that just got downloaded and click next until you reach the part where you have to set a password for the root user. Fill out a secure password, that you have noted somewhere safe. It's important that you don't forget this password as it will be the password for the database. Once you have filled out the password fields, go ahead and check the "Use UTF8 as the default server's character set" - It should look something like the image below:
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Click "Next" and leave everything to their default presets until you can click "Install" then click install, wait for the installation to be finished. Once the installation has finished click on "Finish".

Hurray! Your database server has now been set up and will be ready to use.

Install a database manager:
To manage our database, we'll need a database manager.

MariaDB automatically installs HeidiSQL however in this guide we will go ahead and install DBeaver and use that instead (So feel free to uninstall HeidiSQL)

The first step will be to install DBeaver, which and select the . Once DBeaver has been downloaded, go through the setup process, by simply clicking "Next" until you can click "Install" as it's not necessary to select anything or change any of the default presets.

Now open DBeaver and click "No" to the popup asking if you want to create a sample database. Next select "MariaDB" from the list of database servers and hit "Next".

Database credentials:
It's time to connect to our database server and to do that, you'll have to fill out the necessary credentials, which will be the following:
Server host: localhost
Port: 3306
Database: Leave this field empty
Username: root
Password: The password you set when installing MariaDB

Once the credentials have been put in, go ahead and click "Test Connection" which will ask you to download the necessary drivers. Install the drivers by simply pressing "Download".

If the filled-in credentials are correct, DBeaver should show you a success message looking like the image below.
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Click on "Finish" then double click on your "localhost" connection showing on the left side of DBeaver.

Create your database:
For anything in our hotel to function properly, we'll need a database connected to it.

So to create a database right-click on the "Databases" folder that is shown inside the localhost connection and select "Create new database" which will show you a popup asking for a database name.

Fill in a database name of your choice and click "OK" - The Charset & Collation doesn't have to be changed from their default preset.

Import your Arcturus morningstar database:
To import your Arcturus morningstar database, you'll have to clone it down from the GIT repository first, and to do that all you have to do is:
Open the Git bash application on your server and write:
cd desktop
then press enter.

Next, write the following
git clone
and press enter.

A new folder will now appear on your desktop at your server named: "arcturus-morningstar-base-database"

Next, open up your DBeaver application once again, right-click on your newly created database and hover the "Tools" and select "Restore database" Which would look like the image below:
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Once "Restore database" has been selected, click on the orange folder next to the "Input File:" field and navigate to your desktop -> arcturus-morningstar-base-database folder and select the arcturus_morningstar_default_db_without_roomb.sql file. Once the .SQL file has been selected click "Start". The database import will then start. Once it has finished successfully a popup looking like the image below should appear:
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Click on "OK" and then click on the "Script configuration" on the top left corner and repeat the process for all the .SQL files (except the: purchase_history_addon.sql & the hotfix_1.sql) inside the "SQLUPDATES" folder as well as all the .SQL files inside the "ADDONS" Folder.

If you feel a little confused and don't know what exactly to do, that's totally fine. Here's a gif of the entire database import process:

Once you have successfully imported all the .SQL files double click on your database to make it show all the newly imported tables.

You have now successfully created and imported a database for Arcturus Morningstar, which we, later on, will be connecting to Cosmic CMS when setting that up.

To add some basic protection to our hotel, we will be adding Cloudflare.

Cloudflare makes it a breeze to set up DNS, add page rules, and on top of that, it adds a decent layer of protection for our hotel.

*I will not cover how you can set up a hotel without a domain or without Cloudflare. If you don't want to use Cloudflare to set up your hotel, you'll have to figure out how to set up a hotel on your own.

Cloudflare setup:
The first thing you'll need to set up Cloudflare is a domain. You can purchase a domain from plenty of different domain providers like Namecheap.

Once you have got your hands on a domain, head to and either log in or create an account.

Once you have logged in or created your account, click on the account within the "Accounts" section and then click "Add a site" (the blue button on the right)

You will now be sent to a page where you can enter your domain name. Enter your domain name and click "Add site". Once you have added your site, Cloudflare will ask you to select a plan. Scroll to the bottom and click on the free plan and then "Continue"

Next up Cloudflare will be scanning & reviewing your DNS records, once that has been done a full list of your record will be shown. Delete all the records except the "A" record and the "CNAME" record at the top - To delete a record click "Edit" and then "Delete"

Once all the records has been deleted, edit the IP address attached to the A record so that it matches your VPS IP.
The CNAME record should be changed so that the content field matches your domain name.
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Once the above has been done click on "Continue".

Cloudflare will then take you to a page explaining what you should do with your nameservers.

Once you have replaced your nameservers, click on "Done check nameservers"

* It may take up to 24 hours before nameserver changes take effect. However, in most cases, it won't take very long before the change has been processed.

The next step will be Cloudflare showing you a "Quick Start Guide"

Click on "Get started" and allow the following
Automatic HTTPS Rewrites - On
Always use HTTPS - On
Auto minify CSS and HTML (It's important that you don't minify your Javascript)
Brotli - On

Once your nameservers have been changed and registered your cloudflare should look like this
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That's it! easy right? Your Cloudflare has now been set up and you're now ready to set up Cosmic CMS.

Head to part 2 of the series and learn how to set up Cosmic CMS!

Did I miss anything?
Please let me know if I missed anything, as the guide contains a lot of information.
can you help please
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god x
Nov 15, 2011
PHP is not showing on my IIS at all..
You must install PHP manually. You can do this by downloading the PHP version by ZIP and placing it the accompanying folder. I recommend you to install the correct version using Microsoft Web Platform Installer.


Nov 10, 2017
The series has been updated to use Atom CMS ( ) and Nitro v2


New Member
Jan 30, 2022
When i import patch1_2_final into dBeaver i get this error

Task 'MySQL restore' finished at Wed Aug 24 18:18:39 UTC 2022
2022-08-24 18:18:39.495 - IO error: Process failed (exit code = 1). See error log.
2022-08-24 18:18:39.495 - Process failed (exit code = 1). See error log.
at org.jkiss.dbeaver.tasks.nativetool.AbstractNativeToolHandler.validateErrorCode(
at org.jkiss.dbeaver.tasks.nativetool.AbstractNativeToolHandler.executeProcess(
at org.jkiss.dbeaver.tasks.nativetool.AbstractNativeToolHandler.doExecute(
at org.jkiss.dbeaver.ext.mysql.tasks.MySQLNativeToolHandler.doExecute(
at org.jkiss.dbeaver.tasks.nativetool.AbstractNativeToolHandler.lambda$0(
at org.jkiss.dbeaver.runtime.RunnableContextDelegate.lambda$0(
at org.eclipse.jface.operation.ModalContext$


New Member
Sep 6, 2022
Hi! I'm kind of getting back into these things so bare with me.

So I followed your tutorial all the way through 3 parts and the emulator, database, and everything loads up fine except the actual site itself. Going to "localhost" or "" loads for half a second and then says it isn't working with a HTTP ERROR 500.

Before, I was able to see the IIS dashboard connecting to localhost and my IP, so I'm assuming the issue might be in there. I've tried everything on multiple different forums and cannot find a resolution. It must be something so simple I'm not doing.

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Post automatically merged:

Hi! I'm kind of getting back into these things so bare with me.

So I followed your tutorial all the way through 3 parts and the emulator, database, and everything loads up fine except the actual site itself. Going to "localhost" or "" loads for half a second and then says it isn't working with a HTTP ERROR 500.

Before, I was able to see the IIS dashboard connecting to localhost and my IP, so I'm assuming the issue might be in there. I've tried everything on multiple different forums and cannot find a resolution. It must be something so simple I'm not doing.

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Double checked variables in the php.ini files and now it actually displays a webpage and says "500 | Server Error"
Would appreciate the help, many thanks.
Last edited:


New Member
Dec 4, 2022
hello, i have a problem, when i try using the cd clone command in CMD it says this:

then i made an account and when i put my details in here it said this :

Please help me.
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You must be registered for see images attach


Nov 10, 2017
Git krews were taken down by its former manager... A new one has been put up however it is still missing quite a bit of files. I will try to update the links to new ones when im home, as theyre all over the internet now rather than in one place 😊

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