Simply edit the query in the staff page. Just search the document for the word "LIMIT" after the word limit should be a number. Change that number to your likings to add another staff rank to the page.PM the creator of revCMS Kyrptos
What he said..Simply edit the query in the staff page. Just search the document for the word "LIMIT" after the word limit should be a number. Change that number to your likings to add another staff rank to the page.
<div class="cbb clearfix red ">
<h2 class="title">{Hotelname} Moderators</h2>
$GetRanks = mysql_query("SELECT id,name FROM ranks WHERE id = 5");
while($Ranks = mysql_fetch_assoc($GetRanks))
echo "<div class=\"habblet-container \"><div class=\"cbb clearfix blue \"><div style=\"padding:5px\"><p>";
$GetUsers = mysql_query("SELECT username,motto,rank,last_online,online,look FROM users WHERE rank = {$Ranks['id']}");
while($Users = mysql_fetch_assoc($GetUsers))
if($Users['online'] == 1){ $OnlineStatus = "<font color=\"darkgreen\"><b>On Duty</b></font>"; } else { $OnlineStatus = "<font color=\"blue\"><b>Off Duty</b></font>"; }
echo "<img style=\"position:absolute;margin:-20px 0 0 0;\" src=\"{$Users['look']}&direction=2&head_direction=2&gesture=smd&size=l\">"
."<p style=\"margin-left:65px;margin-top:10px;\"><strong>{$Users['username']}</strong></br><i>{$Users['motto']}</i><br><br>"
."<p style=\"float:right;margin-top:-30px;margin-right:5px;\">{$OnlineStatus}</p><br><br><br>";
echo "</div></div></div>";