How important is mental health ?


:: xHosts ::
Sep 12, 2011
Well big subject that has been made even more important due to covid 19 lockdown's around the world

How important do you think mental health is ?

In your views what makes mental health better / worse ?

Do you think someone with a history or having mental health issues deserve support ?


👄 I'd intercept me
Nov 25, 2011
Very, very important. Mental health issues can destroy you as a person, and it's hard to get out of them on your own. I also don't think enough people take it on as a severe medical issue, and due to the stigma on it, people aren't quick to come forward about it. Especially since corona started, I think mental health issues has prominently begun to surface. I also see it in my environment, people breaking up, quitting jobs, actually seeking mental assistance with their problems. And of course, they deserve getting that support.

As for what makes it better or worse, this differs per person. For example, real extroverts might have had issues with the strict lockdown in the beginnings of the coronavirus. Or they are being stuck in a job they don't like. I don't think there's a general answer to that.


May 18, 2020
I think what Wess has said has hit the nail on the head but I’ll try to explain going abit more in depth;

I think with the current global events and the coronavirus it can have a massive impact on those that were/are going through the process of getting through any issues but there are always the different scenarios depending on the person.

Let’s say if someone just has depression then a lot of factors that can help is hobbies like going out doing activities ect with the pandemic this can really impact ones ability to be able to do anything involving something they may enjoy and without the ability to do what they enjoy it could make it more severe and end up falling into a downward spiral as if they’re just going in a loop.

I think with the serious mental health like trauma when someone’s young or bad memories if the individual was getting help before the pandemic then it gets cut off this could have detrimental effects on that person as they may have just started to trust and open up and talk about there problems now with them not being able to see the individual this may set the person back and make the emotions worse as seen with the upwards of suicide rates globally but that may be due to peoples views as them feeling like it won’t end?

mental health is something that governments around the world need to address as it can lead onto things like insomnia and other mental health effects that may stop the person being a functioning person of society. This could lead into abusing alcohol or abusing drugs as this is prevalent where I live.

your last question could be very controversial as a lot of people may not understand the severity of mental health I’ll give an example;

Lets say person 1 has depression and person 2 has depression and something like bipolar and these were both getting addressed before the pandemic and now that it’s happened these arise again they’re both human and prioritising one over the over could lead to one of them developing even worse conditions but now with the influx of people suffering it’s something extraordinarily hard to approach as what if person 1 and 2 will only speak to the same person but can only fit one in its incredibly hard to prioritise one over the over for doctors as a lot do genuinely care. There is a lot of scenarios that could be explained and there a lot of issues that may cause certain attributes to ones mental health. Also what I think makes it worse is how doctors just chuck the person on some sort of drugs which is something we may get addicted to but without hitting the source of the problem it’ll always be there (a lot of doctors do that here) and this may cause the person to think what a waste of time and not seek out help.

hope I explained it well enough.


:: xHosts ::
Sep 12, 2011
I have had mental health issues since a young age (about 6) because of certain things that happened and found that when trying to find the right help in times of need it is really like finding a needle in a haystack. If you are one of the lucky ones to find someone who actually cares about the people they are seeing for appointments they are really great but the vast amount of these so called "professionals" are a waste of space and could not really care less about anyone or their issues as long as they are paid at the end of the month. I have found it very hard to cope during the lock down for a number of reasons both social and personal. I find it really insulting at times when you see people claim to have a mental illness just to get their own way over something, it really makes it harder for anyone with a real illness to get the support and understand that is needed for them to move forward.


May 18, 2020
Unfortunately that’s the way the world is and that’s the way the majority of people are. Finding someone who truly does care is stupidly hard, I’m not sure what it’s like in the uk but here if you need help the only organisations are ones ran by charities. There isn’t really a funded government area that actually helps people here and majority of people have to look out for each other here which is bizarre and blatantly stupid especially during a pandemic. Although the government is giving the people here money even if you’re working which is something a lot of people here need and they even gave you the option to give it to charities if you wanted which is amazing. But back on the mental health side I think it’s something a lot of people don’t realise they actually suffer with because they’re scared to talk about it due to how people may perceive you I know of a lot of people in my personal life that you wouldn’t think suffer with it but they do and because of the way society associates it and makes assumptions people actively avoid receiving help. Hopefully after this pandemic it’s something a lot more governments look into.

I think a lot of people should take this quote into account; “ I do believe you shouldn’t hide who you are you shouldn’t hide who you are because it could make you very sad”
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Dec 24, 2015
I dont think it's important, not at all actually. Mental health is a scam pushed by big psychology to get revenue for therapists and psychiatrists

Mar 13, 2017
I dont think it's important, not at all actually. Mental health is a scam pushed by big psychology to get revenue for therapists and psychiatrists
are you 11 or just very uneducated? can clearly tell you've never had to deal with mental health issues or know anybody who has


Oct 17, 2015
cba to read all the replies but

It's a part of your health, and your health is made of physical & mental health. I don't think anybody that didn't ever had any mental issues would understand this. People seem to understand mental health incorrect though, since when I tell someone that i take antidepressants and i go to psychiatrists, I always hear 'you dont need one, its the same as you talk to a friend.' but the thing is, what if i dont have any friends that would listen to me? Yes some psychiatrists might express themselves as your new 'friend' but they still have to keep the doctor-patient relationship.

Oh also,

I have heard "There are thousands of people who suffer from way worse things than your issues". Wtf does this mean? So i have to be patient about my issues and pity them so i feel myself better? Pitying about someone is way worse than having a mental health issue imo. There's a Turkish saying for this situation: "If you pity about someone, you'll be pitied worse."

thx 4 coming to my ted talk


May 18, 2016
cba to read all the replies but

It's a part of your health, and your health is made of physical & mental health. I don't think anybody that didn't ever had any mental issues would understand this. People seem to understand mental health incorrect though, since when I tell someone that i take antidepressants and i go to psychiatrists, I always hear 'you dont need one, its the same as you talk to a friend.' but the thing is, what if i dont have any friends that would listen to me? Yes some psychiatrists might express themselves as your new 'friend' but they still have to keep the doctor-patient relationship.

Oh also,

I have heard "There are thousands of people who suffer from way worse things than your issues". Wtf does this mean? So i have to be patient about my issues and pity them so i feel myself better? Pitying about someone is way worse than having a mental health issue imo. There's a Turkish saying for this situation: "If you pity about someone, you'll be pitied worse."

thx 4 coming to my ted talk

I know how you feel. However There are 2 different ways of saying you don't need those things. 1 way is telling you that you don't need those things but then give you an alternative which is a better option. That will be more effective in recovering.

The other way is just saying you don't need one because you're completely normal and when someone says that it makes you worse. Because you're tricking your brain into thinking that you are normal without doing anything to become normal. When I'm saying normal I don't mean you're an alien I just mean condition-wise. If someone is suffering mentally they are NOT normal they should be looked at and helped immediately people telling them that they are normal makes them worse because they'll end up accepting their current situation and call it normal because "other people are suffering more than they are". Instead of finding solutions to overcome these problems.

I'm just gonna say you don't need antidepressants or psychiatrists most of them are scammers anyway that waste your time and money.
Instead I think you should take a better approach. Start transcendental meditation. This should make you calmer and look at the world differently (less anger, more relaxed, more confident in yourself).
This might create a boost it will somewhat help you socialize You will be less anxious. You will care less about things you should not care about.

You might not think but a diet is also important for mental health. I would suggest Ketogenic Diet as I've seen many effects on myself while doing it. Like when you're waking up you don't feel like a bag of shit anymore you feel more like a bird. It helps you concentrate longer. You don't have the need to eat food every 5 minutes instead you'll probably only eat twice a day (leaves more time to do work).
You can get better sleep (as long as you don't spoil it with screen-time). And sleep in general plays a big role in our life. Usually when we can sleep properly our body starts regenerating and also lowers stress levels. (Reducing cortisol production levels). Without enough sleep we will be irritated easier, We will be stressed and out of energy basically useless.
So getting sleep is very important!

Also for screen time you should get a pair of anti blue light glasses it'll definitely come in handy. Because blue light will mess up your sleep.

Do some Brain Balancing activities it will consist of physical and brain training. This will also help you specifically if you have (ADHD) or some sort of autism.

Finally if you want a professional's input on your condition and someone who can really help you and not waste your time. You should visit a Neurologist or a Neurosurgeon (A Neurosurgeon has more experience than a Neurologist) However they both are way more experienced than just a Psychiatrist.

Mar 13, 2017
I know how you feel. However There are 2 different ways of saying you don't need those things. 1 way is telling you that you don't need those things but then give you an alternative which is a better option. That will be more effective in recovering.

The other way is just saying you don't need one because you're completely normal and when someone says that it makes you worse. Because you're tricking your brain into thinking that you are normal without doing anything to become normal. When I'm saying normal I don't mean you're an alien I just mean condition-wise. If someone is suffering mentally they are NOT normal they should be looked at and helped immediately people telling them that they are normal makes them worse because they'll end up accepting their current situation and call it normal because "other people are suffering more than they are". Instead of finding solutions to overcome these problems.

I'm just gonna say you don't need antidepressants or psychiatrists most of them are scammers anyway that waste your time and money.
Instead I think you should take a better approach. Start transcendental meditation. This should make you calmer and look at the world differently (less anger, more relaxed, more confident in yourself).
This might create a boost it will somewhat help you socialize You will be less anxious. You will care less about things you should not care about.

You might not think but a diet is also important for mental health. I would suggest Ketogenic Diet as I've seen many effects on myself while doing it. Like when you're waking up you don't feel like a bag of shit anymore you feel more like a bird. It helps you concentrate longer. You don't have the need to eat food every 5 minutes instead you'll probably only eat twice a day (leaves more time to do work).
You can get better sleep (as long as you don't spoil it with screen-time). And sleep in general plays a big role in our life. Usually when we can sleep properly our body starts regenerating and also lowers stress levels. (Reducing cortisol production levels). Without enough sleep we will be irritated easier, We will be stressed and out of energy basically useless.
So getting sleep is very important!

Also for screen time you should get a pair of anti blue light glasses it'll definitely come in handy. Because blue light will mess up your sleep.

Do some Brain Balancing activities it will consist of physical and brain training. This will also help you specifically if you have (ADHD) or some sort of autism.

Finally if you want a professional's input on your condition and someone who can really help you and not waste your time. You should visit a Neurologist or a Neurosurgeon (A Neurosurgeon has more experience than a Neurologist) However they both are way more experienced than just a Psychiatrist.
i'm just going to put this in here when i was 17 (i'm 22 next month) i was put onto anyidepressants because i was so severely depressed and boarderline sucidal, saying that if i never got them antidepressants then i would of killed myself and wouldn't be here today, people who claim antidepressants are "a scam" clearly have never have had points in their life where they don't want to be here anymore, you wouldn't understand, antidepressants helps people with a bunch of forms of mental health issues depression, anxiety, OCD etc there's people (like me) who physically wouldn't of been able to go on without antidepressants, thank god i came off them almost a year ago & i'm not on them anymore but for them 3 years i really needed them and i'm so proud of how far i've come because of it


May 18, 2016
i'm just going to put this in here when i was 17 (i'm 22 next month) i was put onto anyidepressants because i was so severely depressed and boarderline sucidal, saying that if i never got them antidepressants then i would of killed myself and wouldn't be here today, people who claim antidepressants are "a scam" clearly have never have had points in their life where they don't want to be here anymore, you wouldn't understand, antidepressants helps people with a bunch of forms of mental health issues depression, anxiety, OCD etc there's people (like me) who physically wouldn't of been able to go on without antidepressants, thank god i came off them almost a year ago & i'm not on them anymore but for them 3 years i really needed them and i'm so proud of how far i've come because of it

I meant the psychiatrists. But antidepressant's have some side effects and if they get worse and are not treated properly you might have yourself another problem to deal with. It might help with a few things but I'm offering him an alternative which won't have any bad side-effects.

Mar 13, 2017
I meant the psychiatrists. But antidepressant's have some side effects and if they get worse and are not treated properly you might have yourself another problem to deal with. It might help with a few things but I'm offering him an alternative which won't have any bad side-effects.
all medication has side effects, lol they go away after a few days


May 18, 2016
all medication has side effects, lol they go away after a few days

That's why you don't take any. There will be long term side effects you might not notice. The alternative I gave is as effective as those pills.


May 18, 2016
you seem like you've never experienced mental illness in any capacity

I've simply not allowed my brain to get to that stage to make it become something serious.
So you could say I have not experienced any neurological disorders.

Mar 13, 2017
I've simply not allowed my brain to get to that stage to make it become something serious.
So you could say I have not experienced any neurological disorders.
bro shut up then? you have no place to talk about mental health issues if you've never gone through it, you just look dumb as fuck


May 18, 2016
bro shut up then? you have no place to talk about mental health issues if you've never gone through it, you just look dumb as fuck
Lol, Just because I have never experienced it doesn't mean I don't know about it. That's like after you break your leg and go to the doctor the doctor tells you to do something and you tell him to shut up because he has never broken his leg.

You don't have to be sensitive about it. It's just a topic we're talking about.
Nah I don't look dumb because I'm not the one taking everything to heart like you are.


to be determined
Jun 6, 2017
I've simply not allowed my brain to get to that stage to make it become something serious.
So you could say I have not experienced any neurological disorders.
It’s very much possible to have underlying mental health problems without knowing it consciously. People often feign ignorance to their mental health issues because they believe themselves to not be ‘capable’ of having them or something to that effect. The example of how “stupid people don’t know they are stupid” can be applied here.

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