How do I make a retro with VPS.


Oct 24, 2014
So I know how to make a habbo retro but I tried to make it the same way using a VPS I bought and It didnt work and apparantly your not meant to use XAMPP for public use so can someone help me or link me to a tutorial to making a habbo retro on a VPS?

PS. Yes I know 3rd Habbo Help request in a row...


Always Learning
Aug 8, 2013
Xampp is perfectly fine for public use. The only reason why people say its not is because their to stupid to configure it. Just like people who use rev and say uber sucks. The fact of the matter is its still coding when you break it down and its still html and php. Just like IIS and Xampp are still web servers. Just like Call of duty and halo are still video games. Google. It has thousands of tutorials. Or navigate yourself to Devbest -> habbo -> Tutorials

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