How do I fix white pages on revcms? [IIS]


May 13, 2013
Hello devbesters!

I have a problem with my r63b habbo retro.
We are using IIS, we uploaded the cms.
But whenever we go to the index page, it's just a blank white page.
Do you know how to fix this?
If you do please tell me!

Thanks, Rob
We're also using the new r63b revision emulator and revcms!


May 13, 2013
// config
if(!defined('IN_INDEX')) { die('Sorry, you cannot access this file.'); }
#Please fill this all out.

#NOTE: To set up TheHabbos.ORG's API go to wwwroot/mysite/thehabbos_api for IIS, OR, htdocs/thehabbos_api for XAMPP and others.

*    MySQL management

$_CONFIG['mysql']['connection_type'] = 'pconnect'; //Type of connection: It must be connect, or pconnect: if you want a persistent connection.

$_CONFIG['mysql']['hostname'] = 'localhost'; //MySQL host

$_CONFIG['mysql']['username'] = 'root'; //MySQL username

$_CONFIG['mysql']['password'] = 'gunner98'; //MySQL password

$_CONFIG['mysql']['database'] = 'hotel'; //MySQL database

$_CONFIG['mysql']['port'] = '3306'; //MySQL's port

*    Hotel management  - All URLs do not end with an "/"

$_CONFIG['hotel']['server_ip'] = ''; //IP of VPS/DEDI/etc

$_CONFIG['hotel']['url'] = ''; //Does not end with a "/"

$_CONFIG['hotel']['name'] = 'Alpha'; // Hotel's name

$_CONFIG['hotel']['desc'] = 'Best hotel around!'; //Hotel's description

$_CONFIG['hotel']['email'] = '[email protected]'; //Where the help queries from users are emailed to.@Priv skin

$_CONFIG['hotel']['in_maint'] = false; //False if hotel is NOT in maintenance. True if hotel IS in maintenance

$_CONFIG['hotel']['motto'] = 'I <3 ' . $_CONFIG['hotel']['name']; //Default motto users will register with.

$_CONFIG['hotel']['credits'] = 5000; //Default number of credits users will register with.

$_CONFIG['hotel']['pixels'] = 10000; //Default number of pixels users will register with.

$_CONFIG['hotel']['figure'] = '-'; //Default figure users will register with.

$_CONFIG['hotel']['web_build'] = '63_1dc60c6d6ea6e089c6893ab4e0541ee0/2463'; //Web_Build

$_CONFIG['hotel']['external_vars'] = ''; //URL to your external vars

$_CONFIG['hotel']['external_texts'] = ''; //URL to your external texts

$_CONFIG['hotel']['product_data'] = ''; //URL to your productdata

$_CONFIG['hotel']['furni_data'] = ''; //URL to your furnidata

$_CONFIG['hotel']['swf_folder'] = ''; //URL to your SWF folder(does not end with a '/')

*    Templating management - Pick one of our default styles or make yours by following our examples!

#RevCMS has 2 default styles, 'Mango' by dannyy94 and 'Priv' by joopie - Others styles are to come, such as RastaLulz's ProCMS style and Nominal's PhoenixCMS 4.0 style.

$_CONFIG['template']['style'] = 'Habbo';

*    Other topsites.. thing

$_CONFIG['thehabbos']['username'] = 'Kryptos';
$_CONFIG['retro_top']['user'] = 'Kryptos';

*    Recaptcha management - Fill the information below if you have one, else leave it like that and don't worry, be happy.

$_CONFIG['recaptcha']['priv_key'] = '6LcZ58USAAAAABSV5px9XZlzvIPaBOGA6rQP2G43';
$_CONFIG['recaptcha']['pub_key'] = '6LcZ58USAAAAAAQ6kquItHl4JuTBWs-5cSKzh6DD';

*    Social Networking stuff

$_CONFIG['social']['twitter'] = 'TwitterAccount'; //Hotel's Twitter account

$_CONFIG['social']['facebook'] = 'FacebookAccount'; //Hotel's Facebook account



May 13, 2013
// Me
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
        <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
        <title>{hotelName} - Home</title>
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="{url}/app/tpl/skins/Habbo/styles/common.css" type="text/css">
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="{url}/app/tpl/skins/Habbo/styles/campaigns.css" type="text/css">
        <script type="text/javascript" src="{url}/app/tpl/skins/Habbo/js/libs2.js"></script>
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        <script type="text/javascript" src="{url}/app/tpl/skins/Habbo/js/common.js"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript" src="{url}/app/tpl/skins/Habbo/js/fullcontent.js"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript">
            document.habboLoggedIn = true;
            var habboName = "{username}";
            var habboId = {userid};
            var habboReqPath = "";
            var habboStaticFilePath = "{url}/app/tpl/skins/Habbo";
            var habboImagerUrl = "";
            var habboPartner = "";
            var habboDefaultClientPopupUrl = "{url}/client";
   = "habboMain";
            if (typeof HabboClient != "undefined") {
                HabboClient.windowName = "eac955c8dbc88172421193892a3e98fc7402021a";
                HabboClient.maximizeWindow = true;
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="{url}/app/tpl/skins/Habbo/styles/personal.css" type="text/css">
        <script type="text/javascript" src="{url}/app/tpl/skins/Habbo/js/habboclub.js"></script>
        <!--[if IE 8]>
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        <!--[if lt IE 7]>
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            <script type="text/javascript" src="{url}/app/tpl/skins/Habbo/js/pngfix.js"></script>
            <script type="text/javascript">
                try { document.execCommand('BackgroundImageCache', false, true); } catch(e) {}
            <style type="text/css">
                body { behavior: url({url}/app/tpl/skins/Habbo/js/; }
        <!-- RevCMS Habbo Theme Edit By Tyler James -->
        <!-- Credits to Hejula for theme ; Kryptos for RevCMS -->
        <!-- Please do not remove this as this is NOT your work -->
    <body id="home">
        <div id="overlay"></div>
        <div id="header-container">
            <div id="header" class="clearfix">
                <h1><a href="{url}/"></a></h1>
                <div id="subnavi">
                    <div id="subnavi-user">
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                        <div id="subnavi-search-upper">
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                                <li><a href="" target="_blank" style="color:#000">Help</a></li>
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                    <div id="to-hotel">
                        <a href="{url}/api.php" class="new-button green-button" target="eac955c8dbc88172421193892a3e98fc7402021a" onclick="HabboClient.openOrFocus(this); return false;"><b>Enter {hotelName} Hotel</b><i></i></a>
                <ul id="navi">
                    <li class="metab selected"><strong>{username}</strong><span></span></li>
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                    <?php if(mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT rank FROM users WHERE id = '" . $_SESSION['user']['id'] . "'"), 0) >= 6)
                    { ?>
                    <li class="tab-register-now"><a href="{url}/ase/">Housekeeping</a><span></span></li>
                    } ?>
                <div id="habbos-online"><div class="rounded"><span>{online} Online!</span></div></div>
        <div id="content-container">
            <div id="navi2-container" class="pngbg">
                <div id="navi2" class="pngbg clearfix">
                        <li class="selected">Home</li>
                        <li class=" last"><a href="{url}/account">Account Settings</a></li>
            <div id="container">
                <div id="content" style="position: relative" class="clearfix">
                    <div id="column1" class="column">
                        <div class="habblet-container ">       
                            <div id="new-personal-info" style="background-image:url({url}/app/tpl/skins/Habbo/images/personal_info/hotel_views/htlview_us.png)">
                                <div class="enter-hotel-btn">
                                    <div class="open enter-btn">
                                        <a href="{url}/api.php" target="eac955c8dbc88172421193892a3e98fc7402021a" onclick="HabboClient.openOrFocus(this); return false;">Enter {hotelName} Hotel<i></i></a>
                                <div id="habbo-plate"><img src="{figure}.gif" alt="{username}"></div>
                                <div id="habbo-info">
                                    <div id="motto-container" class="clearfix">           
                                            <span title="What's on your mind today?">{motto}</span>
                                    <div id="motto-links" style="display: none"><a href="#" id="motto-cancel">Cancel</a></div>
                                <ul id="link-bar" class="clearfix">       
                                    <li class="credits"><font color="#fff">{coins}</font> Credits</li>
                                    <li class="activitypoints"><font color="#fff">{activitypoints}</font> Pixels</li>
                                <div id="habbo-feed">
                                    <ul id="feed-items">
                                        <li class="small" id="feed-lastlogin">Last Signed In: {lastSignedIn}</li>
                                <p class="last"></p>
                            <script type="text/javascript">
                                HabboView.add(function() {
                                    L10N.put("personal_info.motto_editor.spamming", "Don\'t spam me, bro!");
                        <script type="text/javascript">if (!$(document.body).hasClassName('process-template')) { Rounder.init(); }</script>
                        <!-- Start of Hot Campaigns -->
                        <div id="column1" class="column">
                            <div class="habblet-container">
                                <div class="cbb clearfix red">
                                    <h2 class="title">Hot Campaigns</h2>
                                    <p style="padding: 7px 7px 1px;">
                                        $getItems = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM site_hotcampaigns WHERE enabled = '1' ORDER BY order_id ASC");
                                        $evenOdd = 'odd';
                                        while ($item = mysql_fetch_assoc($getItems))
                                        if ($evenOdd == 'odd')
                                        $evenOdd = 'even';
                                        $evenOdd = 'odd';
                                        echo '<li class="' . $evenOdd . '">
                                        <br />
                                        <div class="hotcampaign-container">
                                        <a href="' . $item['url'] . '">
                                        <div id="campaigns_image">
                                        <img src="' . $item['image_url'] . '" align="left" alt="' . $item['caption'] . '" /></a></img>
                                        <div id="campaigns_caption">
                                        ' . $item['caption'] . '
                                        <div id="campaigns_desc">
                                        ' . $item['desc'] . '
                                        <div id="campaigns_link">
                                        <a href="' . $item['url'] . '"><div align="right">More Info &raquo;</div></a>
                                        <br />
                                </li> ';
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New Member
May 14, 2013

I'm also working on this retro with Records and this is a screenshot of chrome when I go to the IP, it seems like a web.config issue but it shouldn't be


recovering crack addict
Nov 18, 2011
White pages on IIS mean there's something wrong server side, e.g the PHP, if you're using an updated version of php and you have php that isn't rev's template e.g, top stats etc that people have released. MySQL was deprecated from PHP and won't work, may be that. Other than that, you may have fucked something up in the php, maybe doing the config you accidentally removed a " or ;


New Member
Oct 16, 2015
at the top of your config add
error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);

What this does is basically force php to display errors regardless of what the php.ini has set on a per instance basis.

if you would like to make this permanent (not recommended) you can go to your php.ini and search for error_reporting set it there.

And then if you still need help take a screenshot of the php error and post it.

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