How Can I Learn Best & Get Motivated?


Feb 1, 2013

I know lots of PHP, but not all of it, such as the MVC architecture and quite alot of functions, however when I watch a video i'm not really interested and just want to attempt to code, however if I can't do something i'll delete the entire project. Any ideas on how I can learn the rest without being bored?

Secondly, if I start a project, I always seem to be un-motivated, I start a project, get lots of support then think "what's the point" and discontinue the project. How can I get motivated to ensure I finish a project that I start?



Staff member
Nov 16, 2010
Download an open source script and make modifications, build on it.
This is the greatest way to learn imo

And then move onto your own project once you have the motivation and a stable idea


Front-End Developer
Dec 11, 2012
You're your own worst nightmare. There's no-one stopping you, or helping you. You just have to be dedicated and stick to it.

Also, why delete the project? Save it and come back to it later :p


Feb 1, 2013
Download an open source script and make modifications, build on it.
This is the greatest way to learn imo

And then move onto your own project once you have the motivation and a stable idea

That actually is how I originally learnt PHP, editing CMS' and finding what different functions did etc, until I got where I wanted.

You're your own worst nightmare. There's no-one stopping you, or helping you. You just have to be dedicated and stick to it.

Also, why delete the project? Save it and come back to it later :p

I'm unsure as to why I delete the project, it's like a rage quit to be honest.


👄 I'd intercept me
Nov 25, 2011
I need to agree with , get a CMS or whatever, and edit it to your likings. If its good, you can release it to get feedback on it. There is no such thing is bad feedback (except little kids trying to take you down without constructive critism), because you can learn from everything.

Just set a goal for yourself, it can be something small or something big, and if you feel like coding - work on it. Because you will learn more when you are enjoying it. Don't feel like coding? Don't do it, because it will get you mad if it doesn't work, and in your case, throw it away.


Русский Стандарт
Dec 18, 2010
I got started in Piczo. Try viewing sources of different websites and stuff, that usually helps.

Also, Inspect Element in Google Chrome is a great tool for picking apart different elements on websites and seeing how it's all put together. Give it a whirl.

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