Recruiting Hotel Moderators


May 4, 2012
Hello Devbest

I'm making a request for 2 new trial moderators. The hotel hasn't actually opened yet, it's because I recently shut one down and this is one I'm opening. The current staff list at the hotel is as follows:
  1. Johnny (Caffeine, which is me): Owner
  2. Lolly: Joint-Owner
  3. Brett: Manager
  4. Jess: Senior Moderator or Moderator
We're looking for 2 experienced, professional and fun trial moderators. It's trial because then I can monitor whatever you're doing and see your ethos (so that I am not hiring a bunch of idiots who want to wreck it).

As well as that, I am looking for someone who is experienced with whatever BCStorm is written in (I believe its C# or C++), so that they can fix issues. Technicians will be classed under Managers since they possess such power. We need one since BCStorm is bugged and we need fixes (as I have no experience in that type of programming language whatsoever).

Please post your application below as follows (for Trial Moderator)
My Full Name:
Desired In-game Name:
Previous Experience(s):
My dedication:
What I can bring for (name undecided) Hotel:
If a user has just been scammed, what would I do:

Also, applicants must be experienced with MyBB, our forum system, since our CFH system in-game doesn't work we have to use the forum as an alternative. Applicants may also choose to PM this to me if they do not want it sent as a thread. If I accept your application, I'll PM you. If you're applying as a technician, please PM me your interest.


P.S: It'll be fun to find out what TMODs have as commands in the hotel.


El Patrón
Aug 14, 2013
My Full Name: Sebastian Escudero.
Desired In-game Name: Seb or Hooterz.
Previous Experience(s): Ive owned 1 hotel, and i was mod in bullet and brick hotel (closed).
My dedication: School.
What can i bring for (name undecided) Hotel: More users, more fun and more dedication.
If a user has just been scammed, what would I do: I would first ask for a proof that tells me that he did scam him/she, and after that take a decision on what to do.


The Realest Nigga Ever
Dec 22, 2013
My Full Name: King Bond
Desired In-game Name: King
Previous Experience(s):
Swift Hotel * Manager *Tech Support *
Hablink * Tech Support *
Habzon * Moderator *
Envy Hotel * Tech Support *

My dedication:
God .

What I can bring for (name undecided) Hotel:
I will bring Users meaning I will advertise as much as I can . I will bring all my mates and pals . I will bring new Development to the unnamed hotel meaning I will bring cool and nice features to the hotel . Improve things on client and Content . I will also Moderate and Host events . When the users are bored and all , I will host and bring up events . If there is an unsafe person online , like an advertiser or hacker . I will make sure that guy will know that he is not to mess with this hotel .

If a user has just been scammed, what would I do:
I will go to the Ticket. Then from there I will read the ticket , get all the details and all . Then I will go to the place . Ask for video proof and then take action if the information is correct and accurate .


Habbo Retro Legend
Jul 4, 2011
My Full Name: Joshua Paul

Desired In-game Name: JoshOKC, Or Hero Depends

Previous Experience(s): I own my hotel, but it will be closing down soon! The link on dev best is I have also had other experences!

My dedication:
My dedication is God, School and Family!

What I can bring for (name undecided) Hotel: I can Bring users from my hotel and I will advertise to help your hotel! I am active on devbest and will be active on your hotel! I can also get donators and I could even donate myself.

If a user has just been scammed, what would I do:
If a user on the hotel is scammed first off i would confront the user that scammed and ask him about it! If the user denies it then I will ask witnesses! After that I will take actions into my own hands if i have other proof!
To Get in contact with my send me a message on here and ill Give my skype!!

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