Recruiting Hiring habbo fansite staff including management!


New Member
Oct 1, 2014

Myself, Brettles and Williwas are creating a all new habbo fansite. Our site manager Aydan9879 also works very closely with the coding side of things.
I do not want to sit here and rant on about what we are aiming for, or what we're going to include but i'll just list them for you here.

Radio, Events, Community, Habbo Guides, Media, Forum..
We would also like to include Resources + Goodies.

To make our fansite as successful as we plan we are currently looking for the following -

Site Technician x1
We're currently looking for one more senior management member, who will be incharge of dedicating jobs for the site coders to do.
The site technician will also help us with technical problems, server problems and help secure the website where possible.

Site Coder x3
A site coder will maintain all of the content, making it look fresh, updating it regularly and helping the site with any features of improvements required.

General Manager x2
we're currently looking for two General Managers, they will make sure and maintain the current staff departments including radio, media and events.
They will overlook all of the departments and assist where required.

Radio Manager x3
Radio manager is a really big responsibility, our radio will hopefully be on air 24/7 with a dedicated team of Radio Management from different timezones.

Forum Administrator + Manager
We need someone to create all of the staff forums, forums, user-groups and even design the forum skin and template.
The manager will also assist with this, doing more manageable duties like hiring mods, making sure all forums are correct and maintaining the forums.

Please contact me if you are interested in any of these vacancies. :)

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