[Help] PlusR2 Can't buy bot / Can't place moodlight [Help]


Norwegian Steam Engine
Oct 23, 2011
I am using PlusEMU r2 with the latest Habbo UI. I have a couple errors with it.
The first problem is that I can't buy bots. I am using @UltraLulz cleaned up catalog. When trying to buy a bot, I get this error in the Emulator view:
"Packet error!"
In the packeterror log i get this log:
Error in packet [1983] BODY: [0][0]?[0][0]'[0][0][0][0][0]:
System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
  at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.get_Item(TKey key)
  at Silverwave.HabboHotel.Catalogs.Catalog.HandlePurchase(GameClient Session, Int32 PageId, Int32 ItemId, String ExtraData, Int32 priceAmount, Boolean IsGift, String GiftUser, String GiftMessage, Int32 GiftSpriteId, Int32 GiftLazo, Int32 GiftColor, Boolean undef, UInt32 Group) in C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\AKllX's Silverwave\Server\Silverwave Emulator\HabboHotel\Catalogs\Catalog.cs:line 562
  at Silverwave.Communication.Packets.Incoming.Catalog.PurchaseFromCatalogEvent.Parse(GameClient Session, ClientMessage Packet) in C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\AKllX's Silverwave\Server\Silverwave Emulator\Collections\Communication\Packets\Incoming\Catalog\PurchaseFromCatalogEvent.cs:line 22
  at Silverwave.Communication.Packets.PacketManager.TryExecutePacket(GameClient Session, ClientMessage Packet) in C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\AKllX's Silverwave\Server\Silverwave Emulator\Collections\Communication\Packets\PacketManager.cs:line 105
  at Silverwave.Messages.GameClientMessageHandler.HandleRequest(ClientMessage request) in C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\AKllX's Silverwave\Server\Silverwave Emulator\Messages\GameClientMessageHander.cs:line 40
  at Silverwave.HabboHotel.GameClients.GameClient.parser_onNewPacket(ClientMessage Message) in C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\AKllX's Silverwave\Server\Silverwave Emulator\HabboHotel\GameClients\GameClient.cs:line 82

The second error is that I can't place moodlights.
I am not getting any errors when trying to place one down and nothing is written in any of the log files.
I did get one error log in the MySQLerror.txt saying something about the "enabled" in the rooms_moodlight table once, but after I played a little around with it, it disappeared.

I really hope someone will take the time to have a look at this. Thanks in advance!

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