Show DevBest Help Guide Layout


Русский Стандарт
Dec 18, 2010
You'll be surprised to know I've coded another Dribbble layout, this time by a designer called Olia Gozha. It's a help centre layout and the original design can be found here:

It's ISN'T responsive, so it's definitely best viewed on desktop, simply because I haven't got the creative capacity to figure out how to make it look good whilst being responsive, plus I've been drinking vodka whilst coding it.

Anyway, you can view it here:


Chaturbate Livestreamer
Staff member
FindRetros Moderator
Jul 24, 2010
Looks great!

For responsive, maybe you could lose the entire left, and change it to an orange header with the search icon & bar, and toggle for the dropdown for the navigation, then jut follow the generic mobile dropdown, or you could make it fancy and on click have the entire visible view show orange with the navigation split & centered, with a bit of padding (if that makes sense).

But looks good, good job.


Русский Стандарт
Dec 18, 2010
Looks great!

For responsive, maybe you could lose the entire left, and change it to an orange header with the search icon & bar, and toggle for the dropdown for the navigation, then jut follow the generic mobile dropdown, or you could make it fancy and on click have the entire visible view show orange with the navigation split & centered, with a bit of padding (if that makes sense).

But looks good, good job.
Thanks Craig.

In terms of making it responsive, I was thinking of merging the left-hand-side navigation and the actual content to create some sort of accordion menu, but when I thought about, it seemed like a lot of extensive JavaScript work that I just don't really have time for since it's not something 'proper' I'm developing, just a mockup. The more I think about it though, the more I want to do it, so may get round to it soon

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