[HELP] Client won't work, need help.


New Member
Aug 9, 2013
First of all - sorry for my bad english, I'm from Scandinavian..

Well, here's my problem. I can make a habbo retro, well, I can set-up the CMS - but when it comes to the client and the emulator - it just won't work.. Everytime I have tried this it's the client who won't work, well, except from one time - then the client worked, but I can't find the files again..

The client just stops, disconnect og turns white/black - and I hate it!

Hope some of you can help me with this.
I use Phoenix PHP CMS and Bc and/or Phoenix EMU.

I have followed and tried houndreds of tourtails - and just failed.
Can someone please help me? I have TeamViewer, but I like if you can write it on the forum..

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