Habb01 [NodeJS/MySQL]

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New Member
Mar 25, 2011
A Habbo v1 Emulator written in NodeJS​
Once upon a long time ago, I started a PHP based Habbo v1 emulator. Development went well, and the emulator had console, pathfinding, room-o-matic, and a bunch of other stuff I feel are less awesome and I don't care to name. Since development ended a while back and the project files were lost, I decided to start a new project​
(yet, somehow still basically the same project). Unlike last time, I needed something that was a LOT less CPU intensive. I mean, the damned thing used 75-100 percent of the dedi-host resources when idle. I did a little research and after a bit of experimenting, I found NodeJS was a decent candidate.​
What is NodeJS?​
Well, once upon a long time ago (again), Google and possibly some partners I have no idea about, built a javascript engine for their Chrome browser. Turns out, somebody took that engine and turned it server side and made the best damn server I've ever seen in javascript, and also being the only server I've ever seen in javascript. NodeJS's default implementation of their TCP socket module is fast. I mean, really fast. You know, the kind of fast that you can't see because its so fast. NodeJS is also event driven. What does this mean to the average, standard issue, fresh off the factory noob? Nothing that I can explain in plain English. For those more technical people, this means that unlike the PHP project, I don't have to use a big ass loop that repeats itself (not just because that's what a loop does, but because that IS what a loop does). When data is received is when the server takes action and more often than not, throws something back at the client like a fist through the internet to somebody else's computer screen, which really needs to be invented like right now.​
This project is ongoing, and will someday be released. Basic registration and login abilities along with a few console functions are already coded and are ready for battle.​


Staff member
Nov 16, 2010
Thread approved. Good luck with development.

Please provide screenshots as early as possible with the server working and functioning properly.
Some small snippets to be added as well (not full functions are required) but it may give others some some ideas how it works etc....
Jan 17, 2012
I like this development, good luck.

May I ask you how you made the PHP based emulator? You can PM me, if you want.


New Member
Mar 25, 2011
- Thank you for the support

- PHP has some socket functions built in. Due to PHP's linear processing structure, I had to run a constant loop for each client that would check for new data and respond accordingly, which kept the CPU taxed very badly even when the hotel was empty.


Chaturbate Livestreamer
Staff member
FindRetros Moderator
Jul 24, 2010
Thread closed due to lack of recent updates from the thread creator, contact me for the thread to be re-opened.
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