Guy beheads some one in English street


23:37 [autobots] -!- eckostylez [[email protected]]
Nov 25, 2012
For all the people who have posted that all terrorists are Muslims, you are simply put, ignorant/stupid.

Timothy McVeigh - not a Muslim
Baruch Goldstein - not a Muslim
Anders Breivik - not a Muslim
FARC rebels - not Muslims
LRA - not Muslims (they don't even call them a terrorist group, just a religious cult)
IRA - not Muslims

It's sensationalism when the word terrorism, terror attack, or terrorists is used by the media. In the US, people were terrified to go to the movie theaters after Aurora, yet that was not called a terrorism. It should also be noted that the biggest victim of Muslim terrorism are Muslims themselves.


Sep 21, 2010
Very disgusting but personally I don't see this as a terrorist attack like all the media are making it out to be.


Now 35% cooler!
Oct 15, 2010
Personally, I don't really see it as something overly terrible, especially in relation to what we (US, UK, etc) do to them every single day in the Middle East. Since 2002, over 110,000 Iraqi civilians alone have lost their lives. While I don't know if the off-duty soldier was ever on-duty in the Middle East, there's a good chance that he was, along with the possibility of him committing similar atrocities as the men who killed him, except we consider one morally right, and the other not. I don't think that it's a good thing that this man had to lose his life, or anyone for that matter - I don't think anyone should have to lose their life like that. But you must look in the grand context of this, and what we are doing to their people. There's also the fact that these men didn't blindly target anyone, like the people in the Boston marathon did, they actually targeted someone who had personally wronged them, as oppose to a crowd of innocent bystanders.

Perhaps I see things a bit differently, but there's more than one side to every story. I'm not trying to condone murder, as I stated above.

Perhaps the most un-biased thing I've ever heard from you.

Also, theZymf go fucking learn your shit before you post about Muslims, you don't fucking invade another country because you're trying to protect yours, that's like UK sending over warships to Australia because they're so fucking close to eachother (sarcasam). By the way, killing is a great sin in Islam, so if you commit it then you're clearing not a Muslim, idiot.

By the way, some say let's kick out the extremists in the UK, aka Muslims, why don't we start by kicking out EDL? They're extreme, look at them on the streets with their faces covered with masks looking like terrorists etc, they wan't muslims out isn't that abit to extreme, violence against muslims has gone up because of this, abit to extreme?

Anyway, the fucking cunts were Nigerian Christians who then converted, and all they accomplished was more hate against Muslims and the religion of Islam.


May 25, 2013
Majority of you faggots blame every attack by Muslims. Many times there is something that a person who is a non-Muslim does something, it's considered a "mental issue," but when a Muslim does's a terrorist attack. So, I think that's pretty fucked up in my opinion


Boredom, it vexes me.
Oct 30, 2011
This is going to be a shortly lived tragedy, and like everything else it will blow over in a few weeks.

The fact that the guy wanting the police to come, to get into a shootout was pretty interesting.


Nov 8, 2011
Well, the EDL have attacked INNOCENT Muslims :(

The US and the UK needa fucking grow up, anything happens involving Muslims, every fucking tard goes and complains. What about the Riots? Wasn't most of them people WHITE? Did the owners of those shops complain and starting fucking about? NO... Then why do this when a Muslims does something.

Sorry if I used to many swear words :confused:


Jun 2, 2013
I don't know if someones said this, but I'm sure they got free treatment in hospital, um, that's just plain stupidity.

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