[GUIDE] NewLight Helps you!

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New Member
Mar 7, 2011

0 Problem!

Hey DevBest and all members!

I have noticed that people that dosent have experince with Habbo Retro has many problems! People often need help with PHP, Flash, HTML, CSS, C#, JS, Java etc. (whatever? xD)

This thread is to help everybody. I have been in this forum in 2-3Years now and know very much about all coding languages. Feel free to PM me or post a comment, i will answer every post in this thread. (No Email/MSN/Skype answers)

NOTE: I also have a life and im not posting answers within 10Min..! but you can expect to get answer in 1-2Hour with a fix!

In this thread is everyone nice with everyone! People who say negative things or comments like "OMG, you need help to fix that" will be REPORTED.

(To people who see that i have only 10Posts or some shit, i have been on this forum on diffrent accounts but my main account got banned.

Contact info:

MSN & Email: [email protected]
Skype: Oleda97
Im most active on Skype & Email. (I dont like MSN that much, idk why)
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