[GTE 3.0] Disconnecting after changing clothes


Nov 25, 2015
I've just set up my RevCMS R63 powered by GTE 3.0 by Shamike. Whenever I save my clothes in the client, even if its just my face look my EMU says "Exception has been saved" I have taken a look in the criticalexceptions log and nothing appears there, however in the exceptions log - this is what appears:
Any help would be appreciated?
11/26/2015 6:57:47 PM: Error: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
   at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.get_Item(TKey key)
   at GoldTree.HabboHotel.Roles.RoleManager.method_2(UInt32 uint_0) in d:\Game\ZrQ\project 1\ZRQ EMU\Gold Tree Emulator 3.0\HabboHotel\Roles\RoleManager.cs:line 1214
   at GoldTree.HabboHotel.Users.Habbo.method_4() in d:\Game\ZrQ\project 1\ZRQ EMU\Gold Tree Emulator 3.0\HabboHotel\Users\Habbo.cs:line 600
   at GoldTree.Communication.Messages.Register.UpdateFigureDataMessageEvent.Handle(GameClient Session, ClientMessage Event) in d:\Game\ZrQ\project 1\ZRQ EMU\Gold Tree Emulator 3.0\Communication\Messages\Register\UpdateFigureDataMessageEvent.cs:line 47
   at GoldTree.HabboHotel.GameClients.GameClient.ParsePacket(Byte[]& bytes) in d:\Game\ZrQ\project 1\ZRQ EMU\Gold Tree Emulator 3.0\HabboHotel\GameClients\GameClient.cs:line 577

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