18+ is required for this.
In need of a graphical designer part time for our company. I want you to share your PS images, logos, everything! This job is project based, and by that means that you are paid per image you create for us. The amount you make is between 1$ to 20$ depending on the difficulty, one project can be around 1 - 10 images. It's important that you know about vector graphics.
This is a rapid growing company so we need someone that is available at all times. You are creating images for our customers, so you have to be very professional. The start of the next project is in 1.5 months, so I will wait for the right candidate. In the long term the salary will be higher as we grow.
Hit me up in PM.
In need of a graphical designer part time for our company. I want you to share your PS images, logos, everything! This job is project based, and by that means that you are paid per image you create for us. The amount you make is between 1$ to 20$ depending on the difficulty, one project can be around 1 - 10 images. It's important that you know about vector graphics.
This is a rapid growing company so we need someone that is available at all times. You are creating images for our customers, so you have to be very professional. The start of the next project is in 1.5 months, so I will wait for the right candidate. In the long term the salary will be higher as we grow.
Hit me up in PM.
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