SELECT * FROM `catalog_items` WHERE `page_id` = 'PAGE_ID';
UPDATE `catalog_items` SET `page_id` = 'NEW_ID' WHERE `page_id` = 'OLD_ID'
SELECT * FROM `catalog_items` WHERE `catalog_name` LIKE '%Spill%';
Thank you sir, helpmed me alot.Find items:
Code:SELECT * FROM `catalog_items` WHERE `page_id` = 'PAGE_ID';
Move items:
Code:UPDATE `catalog_items` SET `page_id` = 'NEW_ID' WHERE `page_id` = 'OLD_ID'
Selecting catalog items based on name:
Code:SELECT * FROM `catalog_items` WHERE `catalog_name` LIKE '%Spill%';
Important to note that having the wildcard between the word will technically look for 'containing' the word. You can adjust the query by removing a wildcard to search for before or after.