Extract "name" from FurnitureData and Insert into "catalog_items" Arcturus Emulator


Ancient Member
Jul 4, 2010
Howdy all,

I'm working on a brand new catalogue for Arcturus Morningstar and I'm going insane manually naming furniture items in the database.

Is there a script that will read my FurnitureData.json file and extract the "name" then place the name onto the correct furniture within catalog_items in the arcturus database?

Failing that, is there a way to modify nitro client so that the catalog names read from the external texts and not from the database instead?

I'm so tired of seeing "xmas_c22_furni_name"...
For example I want it to have its proper name.

Many thanks,


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2013
Your external texts likely only contains a small percentage of the furni, but if your texts contain xmas_c22_furni_name=Furni Name then it would be automatically updated. Unfortunately this would be a manual process for setting the names.


Ancient Member
Jul 4, 2010
I am using Habbo's latest files everything named in client but when browsing item in catalog some lines show up as the "xx_xx_furni_name" - albeit only a few furnilines


Nov 10, 2017
I am using Habbo's latest files everything named in client but when browsing item in catalog some lines show up as the "xx_xx_furni_name" - albeit only a few furnilines
The productdata is what should name furniture inside the catalog, if they still show up "incorrect" then it's most likely due to habbo not having them inside of there. You could make a script that extracts the name from the furnidata if it's in there, and then either generate the productdata or update the catalog name entry.

I would think they'd be in prroduct data if they're in furnidata tho.


May 18, 2020
I've made 2 scripts that already do what you've mentioned. all 3 use python 3.11.3

This 3rd script will rename any file starting with "xyz" to "whatever you want keep blank for nothing."

from importlib.metadata import files
import os

path = r"your file directory here."
files = []
for file_name in os.listdir (path):
if "xyz" in file_name :
old_name = file_name
new_name = file_name.replace ("put here what you want changed on each file", "remove this text if you want nothing" )
files.append (new_name)
os.rename (old_name, new_name)

Save this file inside of the folder that you want to change and run. It will then print the file names for you to double check.

Link for the other 2 scripts ive made that auto generate Furnituredata and Sql queries.

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