Do you need a discord server for your hotel?


New Member
Jul 1, 2024
I can help you with that, what does it come with;

Verification system
Autoroles (Age, Gender, Colors, Countries) *Optional
Ticketing system
Level system
Invitations system
Staff channels and roles

Also discord games;

Counting and more

Obviously I would ask for money in exchange for the server considering for the experience and time for what needs to be done... and this doesn't cost +$15 USD depends on what the client needs.

For more information send me a message on my discord neyrod_3


Oct 22, 2014
I respect the hustle, but let’s be real—this doesn’t require any actual “experience.” Verification is just a basic Discord bot that hooks into a database and checks your motto for a specific string(I hope). Anyone with even a shred of programming knowledge could figure this out with ChatGPT in, like, a couple of hours tops.

I’ve seen plenty of people set up Discord servers for free on Discord itself. But hey, if you’re a hotel owner or someone with zero creativity or programming skills and just want to throw money at the problem, sure, go for it. Just make sure you host both the Discord server and bot yourself and get the full source code from whoever you’re paying. Don’t let anyone lock you out of something you paid for.

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