mUserSystem V1
What is mUserSystem?
Well, the answer is more-or-less in the question, it's a user system created by m0nsta./Mark Eriksson (hence the 'm' before 'UserSystem') which is coded in PHP and uses OOP, not procedural programming.
Is mUserSystem free?
Of course it is! I tend not to charge to create things like this, unless someone asks for it especially, then I add fees for my time taken and amount of code written.
What is so special about this than other user systems?
Honestly, nothing. I got bored and seen a lot of PHP developments around DevBest and decided to join in by creating my own development. I'm not asking you to use it, I'm just simply creating something that someone may like to use on their own site.
Why have you stolen Anon's layout to 'tBlogger'?
I haven't stolen any layout, I based the design off the same thing but didn't use exactly the same colours. But whatever, credits to Anon for this style of design!
When will it be released?
Your guess is as good as mine, I only started the design on this today. I will be working on the PHP classes over the next day or two and then I will be coding the actual system.
Not started
Started but not complete
Complete and works properly
- Log in
- Register
- Log out
- Post on users' walls
- Send private messages
- Edit account
- Edit settings
- Maybe add friends
- Theme/style changer
Are there any screen-shots of this?
Yes there are, below you will see a few screen-shots of the design and bits of the code as I build it up.
- Main design/content
- Theme/style changer
- Full screen view
- m0nsta.