Hey there guys, if you have read my previous introduction you will know that I am learning PHP. So as a result of that I will be using RevCMS as a template for my new CMS. I don't know where to start so help will be appreciated.
Well. First you need to know PHP. Which your learning. RevCMS is coded in OOP aparantley, so that isnt the best idea. To make a CMS you need to make your classes, you can check UberCMS out to see how they are structured. Mabye before you start, try the config, then go onto the error handlers. Now, making a CMS dosent take 1 day (Unless your planning on developing something like Phoenix PHP). If you want it to have no exploits, your going have to work hard, making a CMS from scratch, with hardly any PHP knowledge can take 3-6 months, depending on how hard you are willing to get the CMS finished.