Cooking with Weasel


👄 I'd intercept me
Nov 25, 2011
Alright, so now I have vacation I have a lot of spare time. I always used to cook in large vacations, and I thought "why not do it again". So whenever I cook something, I will make pictures troughout the process and tell what I did. If you want me to make something, just leave a reply and I'll see (ofc. only people who are serious and have good idea) if I'll do it.

To start with, today I made boeuf stroganoff.

1. Cut the meat (pork steaks OR normal steak) in small pieces
2. Do 25mg (miligram) butter in the pan and heat it up
3. If there is to much meat that it isn't all on the butter, and some meat is on top of the other meat, first do 50% of the meat in the pan, wait untill its good, and put them on a plate. Then do the other 50%, when they are done, also put them on a plate.
4. Whilest doing the above, cut 1 big union in small pieces, and do the same with 5/7 champignons (wash them first).
5. When all the meat is done and on the plate, there should still be butter in the pan left over. Firstly, do the cut union pieces in the pan and bake them for 2/3 minutes.
6. After that, add the champignons to it and let them bake for 3 more minutes.
It should now look like this (bad picture, sorry):

Alright, that are the basics I did at the start (forgot to take the pictures). After that:
7. You will need 2 spoons of tomato sauce and do it with the unions/champignons.
8. Also add the 100ml (militer) of white wine.
It will now look like this:

8. Almost done! Now let it cook for a little while (2/3 minutes)
9. After that, add the 250ml (mililiter) creme fraiché, and mix it all together (it will look weird, but its really tasty)

In the mean time, if you want to eat this with mashed potatos, start with that now.

10. Now add the meat to the sauce in the pan.
It will now look like this:

11. Taste the sauce - and add pepper/salt if you want.
12. Let it warm up for about 5 minutes, and you are done!


Congratulations, you got your own meal! I'm to lazy to sum up the needed ingredients at the start, so figure them out. Also, inb4lookshorrible and such. For the people who enjoyed, here you go. And like I said, want to see something? Say so.



maging ang maganda mamatay
Jun 4, 2010
I would like you to make some steak, topped with sauteed mushrooms and some fried vegetables. Plate it fancy too

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