Hey guys,
I am coding a config file for a habbo cms, so i wanted to ask, what would you like on one if you was making a CMS?
Here is it so far;
//Database config
$_CONFIG ['mysql'] ['host'] = 'localhost'; //This is localhost 90% of the time
$_CONFIG ['mysql'] ['name'] = 'root'; //This is root unless you changed it
$_CONFIG ['mysql'] ['pass'] = ''; //This is the password you set when you installed XAMPP
$_CONFIG ['mysql'] ['port'] = '3360'; //This is MySQL's port
//Site config
$_CONFIG ['site'] ['url'] = 'localhost';//Your web address
$_CONFIG ['site'] ['long_name'] = 'Habbo hotel'; //This is your hotel name
$_CONFIG ['site'] ['short_name'] = 'Habbo'; //This is your hotel name shortened
$_CONFIG ['site'] ['motto'] = 'We are cool!'; //This is your site motto
$_CONFIG ['site'] ['web_build'] = '63_1dc60c6d6ea6e089c6893ab4e0541ee0/1110'; //This is the web build
$_CONFIG ['site'] ['credits'] = '5000'; //This is the default credits
$_CONFIG ['site'] ['pixels'] = '5000'; //This is the default pixels
$_CONFIG ['site'] ['']
If you think it looks like RevCMS config - Well I didn't mean for it too.
I am coding a config file for a habbo cms, so i wanted to ask, what would you like on one if you was making a CMS?
Here is it so far;
//Database config
$_CONFIG ['mysql'] ['host'] = 'localhost'; //This is localhost 90% of the time
$_CONFIG ['mysql'] ['name'] = 'root'; //This is root unless you changed it
$_CONFIG ['mysql'] ['pass'] = ''; //This is the password you set when you installed XAMPP
$_CONFIG ['mysql'] ['port'] = '3360'; //This is MySQL's port
//Site config
$_CONFIG ['site'] ['url'] = 'localhost';//Your web address
$_CONFIG ['site'] ['long_name'] = 'Habbo hotel'; //This is your hotel name
$_CONFIG ['site'] ['short_name'] = 'Habbo'; //This is your hotel name shortened
$_CONFIG ['site'] ['motto'] = 'We are cool!'; //This is your site motto
$_CONFIG ['site'] ['web_build'] = '63_1dc60c6d6ea6e089c6893ab4e0541ee0/1110'; //This is the web build
$_CONFIG ['site'] ['credits'] = '5000'; //This is the default credits
$_CONFIG ['site'] ['pixels'] = '5000'; //This is the default pixels
$_CONFIG ['site'] ['']
If you think it looks like RevCMS config - Well I didn't mean for it too.