Thats not for habbo, that is the development of CokeStudios. A total re-construct of habbo based games or somehting.No i mean ive seen their customs around like on rival forums and such didnt know what they were really had never heard of em until i started seeing these random customs
thank-you, and thanks for understanding him and explainingThats not for habbo, that is the development of CokeStudios. A total re-construct of habbo based games or somehting.
Anyhow, nice release. Looks not-habboish, but its still good.
I wouldn't call this decent, but customs aren't something that changes the way things work. Wouldn't be to proud you can make a shit custom.If you say so kiddo, I'm the one who actually brought a decent CUSTOM FURNITURE LINE.
k i can sense the sarcasm, go back to you "hot" hotelNot really shit, this is one of the closest things to bring back Coke Studios. Which you see that CokeStudios dev thread on shittaku, thats been "hot" for SO long.