Lol, just tried that and it doesn't work (Y)sorry but i just found a simpl and easy xss fail :s
Just go to ur hotel and type in ur mission
Code:<script>ALERT('fail xss detected by Spartak')</script>
and come back to ur staff
to fixe that add a simple htmlspecialchar befor username etc...
Why does it need securing? You are mad! No data is in putted by the user, meaning they can not do SQL exploit. You can not register usernames with ' or " so no staff will have usernames like that. So stop nit picking and have a does and look at the code..not secured.
What?Um why is this user imputed e.g have to put in (hotelname)(.org/com)/staff instead of a button
You need to manually add them over.I have to type in (my hotel url)
to view this page instead of having a button,
'cause the button only shows when i'm on the staff page, visit my link (register if you have to)
and see for urself