Clothing help (experienced help please)


-Hotel Owner, -Customs Developer, -Arcturus
Apr 16, 2018
Hello, so i already know how to add clothing to my catalog and ect. BUT that being said im looking for a way to get my clothing before habbo takes it sweet ass time releasing the shit them selfs. So heres what iv got going on

1) By accessing habbos external variables, i can also access figuredata, furnidata, and figuremap

Now with these 3 items, you have everything you just about need aside from swfs (for the sake of this lets say i have the swfs already)

2) Now as many of us know we have a few out comes --> A- the figuredata is updated and the figuremap wont be ---> B- the figuremap is updated and the figure data isnt ---> C- None of them have everything you need and finally D- they all have what you need

Now for the sake of this lets say that we dont have all 3 items we need BUT all contain enough info individual to get us where we need to go.

So now let me talk about where my issue is coming in, For this case I have the furnidata, and i have my figuremap what i dont have is the figuredate

Now here just some info: -you dont need a figuredata to know the figuredata id, you can get this from the furnidata for that item
-You can make a figuremap with just the figuredata and swf (how? The furnidata has the setid, if you search the setid in figuredata you can find the part ids and create a figuremap!)
-Now this goes visa-versa if you have the figuremap that contains the part ids and the furnidata, you can make the figure data (This is where im having an issue)

So to sum it up, we can create clothing for the hotel if we have two of the three required items now let me show you what i have going on, (mind you for the sake of this my sqls are correct i know cause the items works)
Now id provide a screen shot but its not necessary the clothing item shows and appears but has no color. And the issue is my figuredata that im making myself.

So without further or do here is my data:

<lib id="hat_U_piglethat" revision="64567">
<part id="3313" type="ha"/>
<part id="3314" type="ha"/>

<furnitype id="97024373" classname="clothing_piglethat"><revision>64721</revision><defaultdir>0</defaultdir><xdim>1</xdim><ydim>1</ydim><partcolors/><name>Piglet Hat</name><description>Piglet Hat</description><adurl></adurl><offerid>-1</offerid><buyout>0</buyout><rentofferid>-1</rentofferid><rentbuyout>0</rentbuyout><bc>0</bc><excludeddynamic>0</excludeddynamic><customparams>3767</customparams><specialtype>23</specialtype><canstandon>0</canstandon><cansiton>0</cansiton><canlayon>0</canlayon><furniline>newyear_2019</furniline></furnitype>

Now using the customparams (this is the set id for the clothing item) and using the part ids from the figuremap i created this

The figuredata:

<set id="3767" gender="U" club="0" colorable="0" selectable="1" preselectable="0" sellable="1"><part id="3313" type="ha" colorable="0" index="0" colorindex="1"/><part id="3314" type="ha" colorable="0" index="0" colorindex="2"/></set>

Now if i want this to work, what do i have wrong? Iv adjusted the color able asset and index and such and toyed with it but had no positive results. Below is a visual even though i said i wasnt going to

Any help is appreciated, and for those who didnt know all this lol glad to fill you in on it :D



Always Learning
Aug 8, 2013
You need to set 'colorable' on all 3 in order to be able to change the color. It looks like this item takes two different colors.

<set id="3767" gender="U" club="0" colorable="1" selectable="1" preselectable="0" sellable="1">
     <part id="3313" type="ha" colorable="1" index="0" colorindex="1"/>
     <part id="3314" type="ha" colorable="1" index="0" colorindex="2"/>

Other things you can try, since I don't have access to this swf:

[1] - Add a hidden layer for HRB type
<set id="3767" gender="U" club="0" colorable="1" selectable="1" preselectable="0" sellable="1">
     <part id="3313" type="ha" colorable="1" index="0" colorindex="1"/>
     <part id="3314" type="ha" colorable="1" index="0" colorindex="2"/>
           <layer parttype="hrb" />

[2] - Make only the one part of the hat colorable, and remove the first colorable set
<set id="3767" gender="U" club="0" colorable="1" selectable="1" preselectable="0" sellable="1">
     <part id="3313" type="ha" colorable="0" index="0" colorindex="0"/>
     <part id="3314" type="ha" colorable="1" index="0" colorindex="1"/>


-Hotel Owner, -Customs Developer, -Arcturus
Apr 16, 2018
You need to set 'colorable' on all 3 in order to be able to change the color. It looks like this item takes two different colors.

<set id="3767" gender="U" club="0" colorable="1" selectable="1" preselectable="0" sellable="1">
     <part id="3313" type="ha" colorable="1" index="0" colorindex="1"/>
     <part id="3314" type="ha" colorable="1" index="0" colorindex="2"/>

Other things you can try, since I don't have access to this swf:

[1] - Add a hidden layer for HRB type
<set id="3767" gender="U" club="0" colorable="1" selectable="1" preselectable="0" sellable="1">
     <part id="3313" type="ha" colorable="1" index="0" colorindex="1"/>
     <part id="3314" type="ha" colorable="1" index="0" colorindex="2"/>
           <layer parttype="hrb" />

[2] - Make only the one part of the hat colorable, and remove the first colorable set
<set id="3767" gender="U" club="0" colorable="1" selectable="1" preselectable="0" sellable="1">
     <part id="3313" type="ha" colorable="0" index="0" colorindex="0"/>
     <part id="3314" type="ha" colorable="1" index="0" colorindex="1"/>

Can i see what part id links to what via the swf?

Heres the swf (S)


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