Client Radio In Css?


-Hotel Owner, -Customs Developer, -Arcturus
Apr 16, 2018
Hello im using Chocolatey and i would like an in client radio. Typically the hotel is in php so i would just add it in the php but my client for chocolatey connects to app.css rather than a hotel.php or client.php I can edit the html in developer tools but thats just to see the html of it and it doesn't actually give me a location for the client itself if that makes sense.

Any help is appreciated, thanks!


-Hotel Owner, -Customs Developer, -Arcturus
Apr 16, 2018
Paste the following code into your client page, before your </body> tag.
<script src=""></script>

Issue is i dont have a client page lol, like when i go into the hotel it opens as /hotel but im using chocolaty so it doesn't use php for the client.

other wise yea i could put the script there for that.

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