Client Problem


Aug 11, 2012
Hey, Ok so I have a retro and when you click on "Enter Hotel" it doesnt work, I know why thought because the link at the top of the client says but if you change it to /client it works, its okay for existing users but new users will just think the client doesnt work and leave the hotel

Does anyone know how to change it? the file just says Client and inside it i cant see anything wrong? so yeah Thanks for any help


New Member
Jul 31, 2012
I am not really experienced at coding and stuff, but try to open all .php files containing a link to your 'client.php' and just fix the links.

Example: click CTRL+F (Find) and search for client.php, then something like this <a href="<?php echo PATH; ?>/client.php" onclick="HabboClient.openOrFocus(this); return false;"> should be replaced with /client.
A faster way to do this; press CTRL+H (Replace - shortcut might be else depending on what editor and operatingsystem you're using) then type in 'Find: client.php' and 'Replace with: client'.
I strongly recommend using the first method because the second can be quite dangerous, you might replace words you don't want to..

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