Client error?


New Member
Aug 26, 2015
I am getting this error when i go onto local host: Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES) in C:\xampp\htdocs\app\class.engine.php on line 48
this is my config.php:
if(!defined('IN_INDEX')) { die('Sorry, you cannot access this file.'); }
#Please fill this all out.

#NOTE: To set up TheHabbos.ORG's API go to wwwroot/mysite/thehabbos_api for IIS, OR, htdocs/thehabbos_api for XAMPP and others.

* MySQL management

$_CONFIG['mysql']['connection_type'] = 'pconnect'; //Type of connection: It must be connect, or pconnect: if you want a persistent connection.

$_CONFIG['mysql']['hostname'] = 'localhost'; //MySQL host

$_CONFIG['mysql']['username'] = 'root'; //MySQL username

$_CONFIG['mysql']['password'] = '123'; //MySQL password

$_CONFIG['mysql']['database'] = 'revcms'; //MySQL database

$_CONFIG['mysql']['port'] = '3306'; //MySQL's port

* Hotel management - All URLs do not end with an "/"

$_CONFIG['hotel']['server_ip'] = ''; //IP of VPS/DEDI/etc

$_CONFIG['hotel']['url'] = ' //Does not end with a "/"

$_CONFIG['hotel']['name'] = 'Dream'; // Hotel's name

$_CONFIG['hotel']['desc'] = 'Where your dreams come true!'; //Hotel's description

$_CONFIG['hotel']['email'] = '[email protected]'; //Where the help queries from users are emailed to.@Priv skin

$_CONFIG['hotel']['in_maint'] = false; //False if hotel is NOT in maintenance. True if hotel IS in maintenance

$_CONFIG['hotel']['motto'] = 'I <3 ' . $_CONFIG['hotel']['name']; //Default motto users will register with.

$_CONFIG['hotel']['credits'] = 50000; //Default number of credits users will register with.

$_CONFIG['hotel']['pixels'] = 10000; //Default number of pixels users will register with.

$_CONFIG['hotel']['figure'] = '-'; //Default figure users will register with.

$_CONFIG['hotel']['web_build'] = '63_1dc60c6d6ea6e089c6893ab4e0541ee0/527'; //Web_Build

$_CONFIG['hotel']['external_vars'] = ' //URL to your external vars

$_CONFIG['hotel']['external_texts'] = ' //URL to your external texts

$_CONFIG['hotel']['product_data'] = ' //URL to your productdata

$_CONFIG['hotel']['furni_data'] = ' //URL to your furnidata

$_CONFIG['hotel']['swf_folder'] = ' //URL to your SWF folder(does not end with a '/')

* Templating management - Pick one of our default styles or make yours by following our examples!

#RevCMS has 2 default styles, 'Mango' by dannyy94 and 'Priv' by joopie - Others styles are to come, such as RastaLulz's ProCMS style and Nominal's PhoenixCMS 4.0 style.

$_CONFIG['template']['style'] = 'Priv';

* Other topsites.. thing

$_CONFIG['thehabbos']['username'] = 'Kryptos';
$_CONFIG['retro_top']['user'] = 'Kryptos';

* Recaptcha management - Fill the information below if you have one, else leave it like that and don't worry, be happy.

$_CONFIG['recaptcha']['priv_key'] = '6LcZ58USAAAAABSV5px9XZlzvIPaBOGA6rQP2G43';
$_CONFIG['recaptcha']['pub_key'] = '6LcZ58USAAAAAAQ6kquItHl4JuTBWs-5cSKzh6DD';

* Social Networking stuff

$_CONFIG['social']['twitter'] = 'TwitterAccount'; //Hotel's Twitter account

$_CONFIG['social']['facebook'] = 'FacebookAccount'; //Hotel's Facebook account



Aug 25, 2011
Your mysql username is most likely root and your password would be what ever you set it as on xampp security so just changed them and change your database name to the name of your hotels database set in phpmyadmin (if using xampp) if your using IIS search around devbest for tutorials


Imagination is more important than knowledge.
Feb 22, 2015
$_CONFIG['hotel']['external_vars'] = ' //URL to your external vars

$_CONFIG['hotel']['external_texts'] = ' //URL to your external texts

$_CONFIG['hotel']['product_data'] = ' //URL to your productdata

$_CONFIG['hotel']['furni_data'] = ' //URL to your furnidata

I had the same problem,

Find the files above, and if they arent .txt files, just change the endings -

The external vars code should look like this -

$_CONFIG['hotel']['external_vars'] = ' //URL to your external vars

External Texts:

$_CONFIG['hotel']['external_texts'] = ' //URL to your external texts

Im not sure about the product data or furnidata - they were .xml files for my r63b hotel - just check them and see if im right or wrong.

Replace them with this:
$_CONFIG['hotel']['external_vars'] = 'http://localhost/r63/external_variables.txt'; //URL to your external vars

$_CONFIG['hotel']['external_texts'] = 'http://localhost/r63//external_flash_texts.txt'; //URL to your external texts

$_CONFIG['hotel']['product_data'] = 'http://localhost/r63/productdata.xml'; //URL to your productdata

$_CONFIG['hotel']['furni_data'] = 'http://localhost/r63/furnidata.xml'; //URL to your furnidata

Its just the endings on your config mate, if this doesnt work - skype me with - nathan.watters90 or message me on devbest mate.
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