Car System


New Member
Dec 13, 2012
well I need system for the vehicle
well the owner of a rp already has a state for the car
everytime you step on the road (furni) you will automatically have a state that your in car
thats already done and coded

but we actually need a gas system,repair, hitting system for the car. We want the car to hit other people and/or cars (Only on the road, can't be off road) this will result in the damage of the car with repair for the car causing at 20c and the 20 coins will go into the Auto Corporation [:RepairCar]

Gas system: of course we want to make money so what better way than to make gas system, cars will be to pass 400 room tiles (Road only of course) per 1 gallon, as your gar can be fill up too 6 gallons (full tank)
Gas will cost 5c per gallon as the 5c will be sent to auto corporation [:pumpcar]

Speed: if you ever look on Youtube as you see Aaron has implement a speed onto the character as he in a car state on Habborp which is later disable, I want that same speed for the Vehicle, so the car will be more realistic in speed.

and cars will cost 200c

[If my english was very poor, sorry]

If anyone can program this for me for R63 rp, I would so much appreciate it
Secondly I didn't know where else to post it, because I'm new so...

Aug 24, 2012
That's a lot of coding, I would do it but I sadly have no idea how to code commands, or functions for emulators. I move this post to the Habbos Help Section too, and offer to pay a few bucks for it.


Staff member
Nov 16, 2010
I cannot code this but i can break it down for you.
Some of the things i am going to break down below could possibly use existing commands, so if you have basic knowledge of the code and can copy/paste/make minor edits, you may be able to accomplish some of these yourself

We want the car to hit other people and/or cars (Only on the road, can't be off road) this will result in the damage of the car with repair for the car causing at 20c and the 20 coins will go into the Auto Corporation [:RepairCar]
Basically for when the user crashes into another person you could maybe have it work something similar to the :push x command.
Once conflict has been made (car crashing into the user) the 'push' command will occur and the person will get knocked 1 space and lose health, the car will also gain damage
[So in this explanation it could use already coded commands :push and the code for losing health (with some minor changes)]

The gas system i have not thought about so i can make no suggestions there.

Speed: if you ever look on Youtube as you see Aaron has implement a speed onto the character as he in a car state on Habborp which is later disable, I want that same speed for the Vehicle, so the car will be more realistic in speed.
If i remember right there is a command to speed a user up (i have a feeling it was built in to a v26 server or possibly the snippet was released on RZ)
So if you could find this, then it could be implemented into the car class, meaning when a user is in a car it will move at 2x the speed of a person on foot

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