So, i wonder if you can learn many coding languages at the same time without messing them up, like if i want to learn C++, HTML and PHP. (Im not saying that i will do that). Im just wondering, it just came up on my mind and i want to know ;p
You can learn multiple at a time, though there's no guarantee you won't mess up. Most efficient way for most is to learn one language at a time. It all depends on the person whether it works out or not. Personally, I think you won't know until you try it
For me, it didn't work out. Gotta learn one at a time or I mess up.
I learnt PHP and CSS at the same time. At when I first started, I noticed I was adding CSS into my PHP.. But now I rarely/never do this with practice. But I have to agree with
Ofcourse you can, most of the time the basics are the same. If you know one language good enough, you can move on. Most of the time a coder knows atleast 3/4 languages: HTML, CSS, PHP (and sometimes Javascript and stuff like that)
Most people know multiple languages. You have to. Front end, back end, scripting, etc are all built on different languages most of the time with different technologies.
Agree with all that has been said above. However, there's some easier ways of mastering the harder languages. For example, if you're looking into learning a language like c# or c++ , it's often easier to master python first. This is so you get used to syntax.