Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare


Front-End Developer
Dec 11, 2012
So, the trailer was recently released for the upcoming Call of Duty - this time created by Sledgehammer..
Take a look at the trailer and let us know what you think..
My verdict: Haven't played the last CoD, thought it was shit. This however, sort of reminds me of a mixture between Cysis/Titanfall. I think the graphics will be pretty sweet (especially on max on a decent PC) and the storyline itself looks nice. I like the idea that they're going away from the typical COD storyline.
However, I'm not too keen on the futuristic side of things, but I guess that's just a personal preference.

What do you think? Comment below.


fight teh power
Staff member
May 3, 2010
I'm a big fan of Kevin Spacey in House of Cards, so this may give me a reason to play the singleplayer for once. But at the end of the day, I play for multiplayer. So until I see that, I really have nothing more to add.


The Glorious PC Gaming Master Race
Mar 23, 2012
I always used to like the Call of Duty series up until Battlefield Bad Company 2 came around in 2010, then I lost interest - this was when the Black Ops franchise came around, I started to think the devs of Call of Duty weren't putting enough effort in their games, rushing them and making them sloppy. Ghost was a prime example of it. Treyarch and Infinity Ward lost their touch.

But seeing a new company make a Call of Duty game is exciting for me, because I have no idea what to expect. Is it made on a new engine? Is there more features? Are the player animations different? Is the AI improved?

The storyline intrigues me a lot, the Dictator reminds me of a white Obama. But I question myself, "In the game, are we on his side, or against him?" What would be even cooler is if we choose, and players can have different campaigns along with different endings.

But anyways, I'm not going to say I'm definitely getting this, I'll wait for reviews to come out. But it looks like it "may" be going in a better direction.


Gaming Lord
Staff member
Nov 23, 2011
The graphics, just like previous ones, show "futuristic" look but doesn't look like any new content. Yet, for some reason they always sell millions of copies for little to no change..


The Glorious PC Gaming Master Race
Mar 23, 2012
The graphics, just like previous ones, show "futuristic" look but doesn't look like any new content. Yet, for some reason they always sell millions of copies for little to no change..

Also, keep in mind these graphics are on the Xbox One, I have expectations for this game to look really nice on a PC

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