Hey guys, title explain's it all.
I thought Mercury would be really good but half of it isn't even in english and its a bit buggy.
I know I should make my own but honestly, I'm not the best at C#. Please help
Looking at some of the recent posts by @MiamiH8T, he seems to be having problems with his SWF and the 'Silverwave Plus Emu'.
I'd double check to make sure that I'm not purchasing an existing emu simply renamed. Unless of course, he picked up programming and whipped up an emu in a week or he's using a 'custom emu' provided by someone else.
All the best with your hotel!
Lol, I have purchased my own custom emulator, didn't need to make one myself and the problems about the silverwave emu was because i follow a tut and tried to test setup a hotel, don't judge a book by it's covers mate.