Any cms revcms or uber and for swfs are any r63 swfs.Best SWFs for this? Any?
What is the best CMS for this?
I get a sso ticket error when i try to connect to client
Its located in class.usersTo fix the ticket error in rev just find where it inserts the auth ticket (can't remember where it is) and make it insert/delete the ticket out of user_tickets. Not hard.
final public function createSSO($k)
$sessionKey = 'RevCMS-'.rand(9,999).'/'.substr(sha1(time()).'/'.rand(9,9999999).'/'.rand(9,9999999).'/'.rand(9,9999999),0,33);
$this->updateUser($k, 'auth_ticket', $sessionKey);
Its located in class.users
Code:final public function createSSO($k) { $sessionKey = 'RevCMS-'.rand(9,999).'/'.substr(sha1(time()).'/'.rand(9,9999999).'/'.rand(9,9999999).'/'.rand(9,9999999),0,33); $this->updateUser($k, 'auth_ticket', $sessionKey); unset($sessionKey); }
What do I do?
final public function createSSO($k)
global $engine;
$sessionKey = 'RevCMS-'.rand(9,999).'/'.substr(sha1(time()).'/'.rand(9,9999999).'/'.rand(9,9999999).'/'.rand(9,9999999),0,33);
$this->updateUser($k, 'auth_ticket', $sessionKey);
$engine->query("DELETE FROM `user_tickets` WHERE `userid` = '".$_SESSION['user']['id']."'");
$engine->query("INSERT INTO `user_tickets` (userid,sessionticket,ipaddress) VALUES ('".$_SESSION['user']['id']."', '".$sessionKey."', '".$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']."')");
Yep, The ports are linked.Make sure you're connecting to the right port & make sure the port is actually open.
Cant enter rooms.
I haveMake sure you have a homeroom set.