Bug Plus Emu


Dec 20, 2011
I assume you mean when you press the X under t-shirt in the clothing selector.
I don't think it will let you have a figure without a torso code, you can just remove the X if you feel so inclined :D


Don't need glasses if you can C#
Feb 26, 2012
I also encountered this issue. If I remember rightly there was a line of code in the antimutant which stopped you not having a shirt on.

I've re-coded my antimutant since then, so I can't say for sure where the code is. I'll download an old copy of PlusEMU and take a look for you.
In the antimutant near the top you will find this piece of code:
string[] requiredParts = { "hd", "ch" };

You can simply remove the "ch" option from the required parts, but that also means Females can then be.. topless?

Looking further down you'll find this:
foreach (string requiredPart in requiredParts.Where(requiredPart => !fParts.Contains(requiredPart) && !toReturnFigureParts.Contains(SetDefault(requiredPart, genderLook))))
                toReturnFigureParts.Add(SetDefault(requiredPart, genderLook));

This is the code where it forces the user to have the required parts.

I suggest making 2 arrays of data, one for male and one for female of parts that are required. From there you can use the players gender to determine if they're allowed to have that part or not.

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