BrainCMS Loading Stuck at 76%

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Jan 28, 2020
What emu u using and what does the brain-config.php look like?
I'm using arcturus morningstar. This is my brain-config.php
die('Sorry but you cannot access this file!');

/* Database Setting */
$db['host'] = ''; //Mysql's Host
$db['port'] = '3306'; //Mysql's port
$db['user'] = "root"; //Mysql's user
$db['pass'] = ''; //Mysql's password
$db['db'] = "bobba"; //Mysql's database

/* Emu Settings */
$config['hotelEmu'] = 'arcturus'; // plusemu // arcturus
$config['widgetID'] = '509801583991848972'; // edit to your Discord widget ID

/* Client Setting */
$hotel['emuHost'] = ""; //IP of VPS//IP of Proxy
$hotel['emuPort'] = "3306"; //Port of VPS//Port of Proxy
$hotel['staffCheckClient'] = false; //Enable the staff pin in the client (true) or disable it (false)
$hotel['staffCheckClientMinimumRank'] = 3; //Minium staff rank to get the staff pin in the client
$hotel['homeRoom'] = '0'; //Set the start room when you get in the hotel
$hotel['external_Variables'] = " ";
$hotel['external_Variables_Override'] = " ";
$hotel['external_Texts'] = " ";
$hotel['external_Texts_Override'] = " ";
$hotel['productdata'] = " ";
$hotel['furnidata'] = " ";
$hotel['figuremap'] = " ";
$hotel['figuredata'] = " ";
$hotel['swfFolder'] = " ";
$hotel['swfFolderSwf'] = " ";
$hotel['onlineCounter'] = true; // Enable the user count in the client.
$hotel['diamonds.enabled'] = true; // Enable diamonds in the hotel.
$hotel['customPurse'] = false;

/* Website Setting */
$config['hotelUrl'] = " ";//Address of your hotel. Does not end with a "/"
$config['skin'] = "brain"; //Skin/template of your website
$config['lang'] = "en"; //Language of your website en/nl/es
$config['hotelName'] = "BrainCMS"; //Name of your hotel
$config['favicon'] = " ";
$config['staffCheckHk'] = true; //Enable the staff pin in the housekeeping (true) or disable it (false)
$config['staffCheckHkMinimumRank'] = 4; //Minium staff rank to get the staff pin in the housekeeping
$config['maintenance'] = false; //Enable the maintenance of your website (true) or disable it (false)
$config['maintenancekMinimumRankLogin'] = 4; //Minium staff rank to login when the website is in maintenance
$config['groupBadgeURL'] = " ";
$config['badgeURL'] = " ";
$config['userLikeEnable'] = true; // Enable user likes
$config['newsCommandEnable'] = true; //Enable news commands
$config['newsCommandFilter'] = true; //Enable wordfilter on news commands (the filter use the db tabels wordfilter and wordfilter_characters)
$config['alertReferrer'] = false;
$config['alert'] = ''; //Alert message. If you don't want a alert, you do leave it blank.
$config['brainversion'] = '1.8.1'; // Please do not change.

/* Email Settings */
$email['mailServerHost'] = '';
$email['mailServerPort'] = 587;
$email['SMTPSecure'] = 'TLS';
$email['mailUsername'] = '[email protected]';
$email['mailPassword'] = '*****';
$email['mailLogo'] = '
$email['mailTemplate'] = '/system/app/plugins/PHPmailer/temp/resetpassword.html';

/* Social settings */
$config['facebook'] = '
$config['facebookEnable'] = false;
$config['twitter'] = '
$config['twitterEnable'] = false;

/* Register Setting */
$config['startMotto'] = "Welcome in Brain!"; //Register start motto
$config['credits'] = "10000";
$config['pixles'] = "20000";
$config['points'] = "0";
$config['diamondsRef'] = "10";
$config['registerEnable'] = true;
$config['look'] = "";

/* Google recaptcha Site Key
Go to this website to create a recaptcha Site Key: */
$config['recaptchaSiteKey'] = "6LdzewwUAAAAABkJ3vsdfCDca9qmLGDaWAHqMRtFEs2";
$config['recaptchaSiteKeyEnable'] = false;

/* Buy VIP Settings */
$config['vipCost'] = "25";
$config['vipRankToGet'] = "3";
$config['vipBadge'] = "vip";

case "arcturus":
$emuUse['user_wardrobe'] = 'users_wardrobe ';
$emuUse['ip_last'] = 'ip_current';
$emuUse['respect'] = 'respects_received';
$emuUse['user_stats'] = 'users_settings';
$emuUse['user_stats_user_id'] = 'user_id';
$emuUse['OnlineTime'] = 'online_time';
case "plusemu":
$emuUse['user_wardrobe'] = 'user_wardrobe ';
$emuUse['ip_last'] = 'ip_last';
$emuUse['respect'] = 'Respect';
$emuUse['user_stats'] = 'user_stats';
$emuUse['user_stats_user_id'] = 'id';
$emuUse['OnlineTime'] = 'OnlineTime';
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