Black Screen - Again..


New Member
Apr 12, 2013
I’m having this problem at my hotel, and as I’ve read, it should be a common problem.
Though, after reading all of the other topics, none of the solutions worked for me.
I hope that you people can help me realizing what the problem is.
I have tested different solutions - both weird and something that makes sense.

I am using:
RevCMS - HabboExtreme Skin
R63B SWFs Pack
Butterfly Emulator (bcstorm?)

So, basically what happens is, when I launch the client up, Habbo.swf loads fine up to 100%, then my emulator receives the connection (I think so). But then there’s just a black screen, and after 2-3 minutes of waiting, it disconnects me. (probably inactivity?) So yeah, I thought about it being an SWF problem, but now I tried downloading some different R63B packs.
I do not believe so, but it might be the web_build, I don’t know how to find the latest one (the method)

I’ve attached a whole bunch of documents down here.
Please help me.

RevCMS Config.php
BCSTORM Configuration
External Variables

Thank you, you guys are my only hope.

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