Addressing The Issues on DevBest.

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Sep 7, 2013
If you're not going to read the whole thread in detail and you're just going to post random shit which I didn't say or do in this thread, you have no clue about what you're talking about and you're just one of those people who love to join in arguments and stir it up even more.

The majority of you will all probably know me, if you haven't caught up already, you should start off with , I was originally "Tommyy" and then someone last night or around last night decided to hack my account on DevBest and change the name to "Mee". During last night my account was in an unstable condition and god knows what the hacker(s) did to my account. In this thread I'll be addressing all the issues that have occurred that involved me and I will explain then from my point of view in detail which I did not have the chance to do before because after arguing with Damon a year ago or so I have taken the advice to ignore arguments/false statements made against me but it turns out this didn't work so I have decided to go public with this argument and I have decided to address all the false claims made against me.
#1 - Copyright/Stealing Content: This issue mainly involves @eckostylez and eventually people decided to join in, @Khalil , who has no idea as to what he was on about and what the situation was. I will admit and I have admitted before that I have tried to sell the user system that @eckostylez has created/modified for me from StaticCity and I tried to sell this about a year ago. I've changed since then. The only reason I was trying to sell the user system was so I can fundraise money for a project and start a community together from what was lost when Static Hotel shut down but I didn't even manage to sell the user system to anyone so I don't get why @eckostylez is raging over this and I do admit I did something wrong here. But then a couple of months later I decided to start up a new project that was never finished. It involved a team of people and like every project, you need a team of people and each person has a different role in order to create a successful project. It turns out that my team had downloaded and installed @m0nsta. 's sUS user system which I wasn't aware of that it was his until people posted on the project thread that I removed the copyright footer saying it belongs to @m0nsta. This is where the problem got more worse - people blaming me for my actions when it was in fact the other people in my team that had actually installed sUS and removed the copyright footer. So I'd like to point out clearly that I was not the one behind stealing sUS and removing the copyright footer - the people who had done this is now in fact copying DevBest's forums and they are actually stealing content from DevBest, I've shown proof to staff members but I will not post them here as they will be classed as advertising. The people who is copying DevBest's forums and who had removed the copyright for sUS also has a history of Copyright/stealing content and I will not mention who they are. I then created a new project, docunent, which people can upload images later on and @eckostylez accused me of stealing code when it was something that I had created and I was able to fully modify. But I then sold this project later on as it wasn't getting enough attention. Bottom line, I was not guilty of stealing sUS or stealing code for docunent.

#2 - Arguments: I don't and can't understand why people think I like causing arguments. The majority of the time, people are confused by actually who started the argument, who is involved and what is going on and people should stay out of arguments that they're not involved in. I'll start off with the "Sulake Private Distributor" issue that involves @zMagenta and @bingxuan2009 at . This all started when bingxuan posted in that thread that Sulake can change the law to make it illegal to create a retro in the UK. I posted that Sulake or any company that has a Copyright certificate or owns content online in general cannot change the law. The law has to be passed through congress, parliament, government, bought up by a MP, you get the picture - it involves people with high authority within the government and it doesn't take genius to figure this out. I stated that Sulake are protected by the Copyright law and that they can take down retros for Copyright but they CANNOT change the law as this is just plain stupid. If anything, I'd wish that Sulake shuts down all the retros as I personally hate down syndrome duds like @zMagenta and @bingxuan2009 in particular. To sum this thread up of what they said, I decided to create a signature to sum up what they said as a Shoutbox message and I did not intend it to be proof. After 3 days or so, zMagenta decided to start an argument with me on my profile page about my signature and I bought it to Private Message with him as from previous experience I know that the staff members will say "bring this to PM" or something along these lines. After I had sent him this PM, I went to take shower, watch TV and then go to sleep that night (this was yesterday).

Going back to the whole Habbo/Sulake and Copyright issue, I'd also like to point out what @bingxuan2009 said, here's a quote from that thread:
Dude you are an idiot.Sulake buy copyright to protect their resources from being copy so noone should be going against the law by copying their resources and habbo retro is illegal. You obviously don't even know that
If you don't get what's the law :
Once you get a copyright folder, noone Is allow to use any part of your resources that is protected by copyright so therefore it is illegal. Get the facts right before calling people retarded. Grow up kid and learn your English well before you argue with an adult bitch

I'd like to point out some things wrong with this.

1) You don't buy Copyright to protect websites.
2) You get the facts right. You just said in the thread that Sulake can CHANGE the law. This is one of the most stupidest things I have ever heard and I literally wanted to jump off a cliff after I heard this as it is just plain stupid.
3) "Brow up kid and learn your English well before you argue with an adult bitch" - I find this hard to believe. You claim that you're an "adult" and yet you call me a bitch and you still play Habbo and/or support/own Habbo retros? Says the one with "YOLO" in their DP. A mature adult or basically any adult will not call others a "bitch' and they certainly will not argue on the internet and be involved in Habbo. You can't even write a reply with the correct English, grammar, punctuation and spelling.

There's a lot of other things that I could of have mentioned in this thread but you know what - this is about half the length of the size of my essay that I had to do for Cambridge now and I literally can't be bothered to continue pointing out other things such as staff abusing their powers, favouritism, corruption and many other things gone wrong on DevBest.

So to sum up, this problem has been caused by the following factors:
- Staff not being able to communicate easily.
- Misunderstanding and miscommunication.
- People joining arguments without any understanding of the situation.

I'm happy to respond to all queries and constructive negativism and comments about me in this thread that hasn't been answered yet in this thread.

Inb4 "*yawn* gets popcorn/coffee"
Inb4 "learn to use paragraphs"
Inb4 "cbf reading this"
Inb4 "we dont give a fuck"
Inb4 "you don't say images"
Inb4 any other useless comments, GIF's and overly used comebacks, statements and replies.

EDIT: This is the kind of thing that actually starts arguments - , , , - who likes to start arguments now?? @Legion , @Quackster
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Sep 7, 2013
To the quote, he never said Sulake "Changed" the law, he stated that they own a copyright on their resources.

@bingxuan2009 said "So its highly possibly they will change the law to illegal to make a retro in UK."

Then I said "Sulake cant change the law to make it illegal to make habbo retros LMFAO bloody habbo noob. Its called the copyright law"

Then zMagenta replied with a "NOT SURE IF TROLLING OR JUST STUPID" GIF directed at what I said above which he is trying to say that Sulake can change the law.


Chaturbate Livestreamer
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FindRetros Moderator
Jul 24, 2010
Thread closed. I'll look into it soon.
[4:03:03 AM] Josh Foskett (RastaLulz):
[4:03:06 AM] Josh Foskett (RastaLulz): Go read that.
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